• 领导行为与人力资源管理实践的关系: 因果、联合、替代还是强化?

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Leadership behavior and HRM practices are two hot topics in the fields of organizational behavior and HRM. Previous studies usually focus on their effects separately, while recent studies show a trend to examine their effects spontaneously. With a systematic review of the latest empirical studies, we came out four types of relationship between leadership behavior and HRM practices as causal effect, joint effect, substitute and enhancing effect. Moreover, we also discussed the variable levels, outcomes attributes and social cultures in affecting the impact of the above four kinds of relationship. Finally, it figured out future directions as to further explore the relationship between a specific leadership behavior and a specific HRM practice; to construct an integrative framework; and to identify the boundary conditions in influencing their relationship.

  • 被妒忌:一种矛盾体验

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Most previous research in the envy literature has focused on one’s envy toward another person. Thus, there has been limited research attention on being the target of another person’s envy. After clarifying the definition of being envied and its nature as an ambivalent experience, this paper lays out the theoretical basis for the construct of being envied, and describes the potential antecedents of the ambivalent affective experience of being envied as being related to individual, leadership, organizational and cultural variables. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the mitigating and intensifying strategies that can be used by the envied to cope with the envy from others, and the roles of individual cognitive appraisal and cultural factors in shaping how the envied chooses coping strategies. Future research should examine the relationship between organizational and cultural factors, and being envied; the influence of prediction errors of the envied on their choice of coping strategies; and the dual influence mechanisms in the relationships between being envied and its outcomes.

  • 员工的睡眠质量:组织行为学的视角

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Sleep, as an important physiological process for human to recover and store physical strength and energy, has attracted extensive attention in the field of organizational behavior in recent years and become a popular research topic. Sleep quality is a complex concept that includes both quantitative components related to sleep and individual subjective evaluations of sleep. To date, researchers have found that individual characteristics (age, family and affective traits) and job characteristics (job demands, control and support) can effectively predict sleep quality, which in turn affects work safety, physical and mental health, attitude, job performance and ethical behavior. Ego depletion theory is the core theoretical mechanism to explain how sleep affects work attitude and behavior. Future studies could focus on the following aspects: from the interaction perspective between human and environments to explore the influencing factors of employee’ sleep, from the perspective of recovery experience to explore the boundary conditions of how sleep affects the work, and compare the differential effects of sleep quality and quantity.

  • 员工绿色行为的影响因素及其理论解释

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Employees’ green behavior directly affects the effectiveness of the environmental protection of organizations, and is the key to promote the sustainable development of the organizations. Employees’ green behavior refers to a series of behaviors implemented by employees that aim at reducing the negative effect on the environment and contributing to environmental sustainability. First, provides an overview of the concept and structure of employees’ green behavior. Second, drawing on self-determination theory, affective events theory, planning behavior theory, social cognitive theory and social learning theory, explains antecedents of employees’ green behavior. Finally, demonstrates that future research can pay attention to the three major aspects of concept definition, research level, research perspective (balanced perspective, dynamic perspective) to further research.

  • 组织行为学领域妒忌研究的不同视角、分歧和未来方向

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Envying others is a common phenomenon in the life and workplace contexts. Although there are many records about envy in the religion, philosophy, and history books a long time ago, it is until recently that envy has been paid more and more attention by researchers of organizational science. Previous research has deepened researchers’ understanding of envy from multiple perspectives and disciplines, however, there are still some challenges that need to be resolved in organizational envy research. In order to advance research on envy in organizations, in this paper, we begin with an in-depth review about envy from three perspectives (i.e., proper perspective, subtype perspective, and unitary construct perspective), analyze the divergences between these perspectives related to nature of envy, envier’s response, and explain contradictory results. Based on the above analysis, we propose that future research should clarify the nature and measurement of envy, study the dyadic relationship between the envier and being envied, and integrate different perspectives of research on envy in organizations.

  • 做上司的“意中人”:负担还是赋能? 追随原型−特质匹配的双刃剑效应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: In recent years, a novel research topic, implicit followership theories, has infused the organizational behavior literature with new vitality. Implicit followership theories refer to the pre-existing personal assumptions about the traits that characterize a follower. Based on the valence of assumed follower traits, implicit followership theories are classified into two types, namely followership prototype and anti-prototype. In the leader-follower interaction process, leaders’ followership prototypes can usually be activated, which in turn may compete with the followers’ actual trait. In line with the results of implicit prototype-actual trait comparison, leaders will identify the ideal followers. According to the traditional viewpoints on implicit followership theories, prototypic followers whose actual traits match their leaders’ followership prototype may experience a high level of well-being in the workplace. However, some scholars recently point out the potential dark side of being a prototypic follower, namely, the suffering of psychological fatigue. Based on the job demand-resource model, the present study aimed to reconcile the contradictory viewpoints mentioned above by proposing a dual process model wherein the congruence between leaders’ followership prototype and followers’ followership trait migh have a paradoxical effect on followers’ well-being. Specifically, the present study hypothesized that beyond an enabling process of followership prototype-trait congruence (represented by the positive mediating effect of self-efficacy), there would be a burdening process (represented by the negative mediating effect of workload). To test our hypotheses, the current study conducted a multi-wave, multi-resource survey. At Time 1, we sent surveys to 204 voluntary leader-follower dyads, requiring leaders and followers to report their followership prototype and demography information. We obtained 171 surveys with effective responses. About two months later, we conducted the Time 2 survey, requiring leaders to rate their perceived workload of the focal followers and requiring followers to rate their self-efficacy, emotional exhaust, affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Eventually, we obtained 132 effective respondents. Based on the two-wave data, we conducted path analysis using Mplus 7.0. The results overall supported the contrasting notions, suggesting that followership prototype-trait match could enhance followers’ self-efficacy and consequently well-being (i.e., high job satisfaction), while at the same time increased followers’ workload, which in turn diminished followers’ well-being (i.e., high emotional exhaust, low job satisfaction and affective commitment). These findings not only advance our understanding of the relationship between implicit followership theories and well-being, but also provide further inspiration for managerial practice.

  • 累并快乐着:服务型领导的收益与代价——基于工作−家庭资源模型视角

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2018-09-13 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:服务型领导被以往大量研究证实能够对下属产生积极的影响效果。然而, 服务型领导对领导者自己的影响至今还知之甚少。基于此, 文章根据工作−家庭资源模型, 探讨了服务型领导的收益与代价。采用经验抽样法, 对广州市76名企业单位中的主管进行为期五天的日记研究, 并运用多层线性模型进行数据分析。结果表明:主管每日从事服务型领导行为既可以产生更多的积极情绪, 从而改善工作−家庭关系, 又可能会引发资源损耗, 从而恶化了工作−家庭关系。主管感知的组织支持是服务型领导行为双刃剑效应的“门阀”, 当主管感知到高的组织支持时, 从事服务型领导行为会带来更多的积极情绪, 而当主管感知到低的组织支持时, 从事服务型领导行为可能更容易增加资源损耗。以上结果能拓宽我们对服务型领导影响效果的认识, 并为如何干预服务型领导行为提供一些新的启发。

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