• 解释水平对自我控制的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Construal Level Theory considered that self-control was broadly conceptualized as making decisions and acting in accordance with global, high-level construal of the situation rather than local, low-level construal. Researches concerning temporal discount, persistence, healthy behaviors and prospective self-control showed that high construal level promotes self-control. Moreover, the effect of high-level construal on self-control was mediated by attitudes toward temptations and asymmetric temptation-goal. The effect is modulated by the characteristics of task and goal (e.g. goal value and difficulty, valence, response style, manifestation of goals) and presence of high level construal cue (explicit or implicit). In summary, the present approach, which considers self-control as a construal-dependent decision, extended self-control Dual-Model and Ego-Depletion Model and provided some more possible psychological mechanisms. Therefore, further research should focus on mechanisms of the positive construal level and self-control association, investigate effects of psychological distance on such association and look into this association from longitudinal perspective.

  • 农耕-游牧文化下风险偏好的差异:证据与分析框架

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Individual risk preferences are one of the main concerns in the psychology of decision-making, and its difference is influenced both by individual factors and culture. Existing research mainly focuses on the cultural classification of collectivism-individualism to study the differences in individual risk preferences, ignoring the influence of material culture. Ecological decision-making and social ecology researchers believe that the ecological environment affects individuals’ economic preferences by shaping material culture (such as subsistence patterns). The analysis of previous literature finds that the two major cultures dominated by different subsistence patterns—sedentary farming and nomadic herding have different effects on individual risk preferences. Individuals from farming cultures may be more risk-averse while individuals belonging to nomadic cultures may be more risk-seeking. Due to the limitations and shortcomings of existing research, this inference is worthy of further causal studies.

  • 市场化与人际信任变迁

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: During the process of marketization in China, we have to face a clear fact that interpersonal trust has been declining year after year. Although previous literature has repeatedly revealed the positive effect of trust on economic development, it seldom concerned the role of market economy development in trust changing. By integrating recent micro and macro evidence, it is found that marketization process has served as a role of inhibiting trust in China. Concretely, with the establishment of market economy in China, the impetus attribute of market has been fully developed by encouraging people to seek self-interest maximization and compete with each other, which activates their strong motivation to accumulate wealth on the one hand, whereas which also leads the popularity of homo economicus belief in people, and destructs those trustees’ optimistic expectation of human nature on the other hand. However, the corresponding market rules and social rules are too underdeveloped to protect trustees. As a result, the process of marketization has been eroding the basis of economic development: trust, and leads to the trust decline. Therefore, building rule-based and credit-based market economy is a necessary pathway to prevent trust from declining and rebuild a high-trust society.

  • 经济态度和行为的代际传递现象及机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: There is a phenomenon of intergenerational transmission of economic attitudes and behaviors. Ample studies on intergenerational transmission of economic attitudes primarily focus on money attitude, risk attitude, reciprocity attitude, and consumption attitude, while research on intergenerational transmission of economic behaviors pays much attention to consumption behavior, donation behavior, and saving behavior. In addition to genetic mechanism, the intergenerational transmission has two important pathways of socialization: observational learning and parent-child interaction, in which the latter channel is comprised of parent-child communication and financial parenting. Parent-child communication emphasizes the interaction at the level of language, whereas financial parenting is mainly embodied in the interaction at the level of behavior. However, previous research on financial parenting is still in its preliminary stage without in-depth analyses. Therefore, it is necessary for future studies to strengthen the research of intergenerational transmission in the context of Chinese culture and reality, and to explore its mechanisms in depth.

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