• Cognitive reappraisal inventiveness as an emerging field of emotional creativity

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2021-10-18

    Abstract: Emotion regulation ability is an essential ability to maintain individual mental health and life happiness. Cognitive reappraisal inventiveness is the ability to generate multiple reappraisals spontaneously when facing negative situations, and is a creative process in emotion regulation. Here, we review recent work on the Cognitive reappraisal inventiveness. A large body of research demonstrates that cognitive reappraisal inventiveness is positively correlated with divergent thinking and openness but not with neuroticism and trait anger. Creative cognitive reappraisal strategies or high-level cognitive reconstruction using metaphor and analogy are more conducive to regulating negative emotions, and the superor regulatory effect of creative cognitive reappraisal can be mediated by amygdala-based salient emotional arousal, hippocampus-based new association formation and striatum-based mental rewarding to lead to a novel and positive experience that could be kept in long-term memory. These results are consistent with the creative reconstruction theory of cognitive reappraisal. The creative process of reappraisal needs top-down cognitive control and a specific executive function of emotional representation. Future research may expand the group of participants, improve the measurement methods of cognitive reappraisal inventiveness, explore the situational and internal factors affecting cognitive reappraisal inventiveness, and further reveal how the neural mechanisms of the special process, or reaction mechanism of cognitive reappraisal inventiveness, differ from traditional creativity. "

  • Neural Mechanisms and Time Course of the Age-Related Word Frequency Effect in Language production

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2021-08-04

    Abstract: The word frequency effect refers to the phenomenon of processing high-frequency words faster and more accurately than processing low-frequency words in different stages of language production. The cognitive ageing mechanisms of language production can be investigated by exploring the different characteristics and mechanisms of the word frequency effect between young people and elderly people. We suggested that the word frequency effect exhibited relative stability across the individual developing stages, predicted the age-related word frequency effect based on different theories of visual word recognition, and analysed the changes in neural substrates and time course of the word frequency effect caused by ageing. In future, we can further distinguish the word frequency effect from the age of acquisition effect on language production, and extend the studies to patients with neurodegenerative diseases. "

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