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  • The influence of music on prosocial behaviors and its mechanisms

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2024-04-01

    Abstract: The value of music in human evolution may be attributed to its social functions. Research has shown that both music listening and joint music-making foster prosocial behaviors and the development of prosocial skills. In order to explain these effects, we propose a theoretical model, suggesting that music enhances individuals’ empathy and positive emotional experiences through emotional contagion, while the entrainment effect of rhythm facilitates interpersonal synchrony. Furthermore, the interaction between emotional contagion and rhythmic entrainment can further enhance the prosocial effects of music. Oxytocin, the endogenous opioid system, the dopamine reward system, and auditory-motor coupling may serve as potential neurobiological foundations for the prosocial effects of music. Future research could employ the multi-pathway theoretical model to examine the prosocial effect of music and its mediating mechanisms, providing further evidence for the music-social bonding hypothesis.

  • 歌词对音乐情绪加工的影响:行为与ERP研究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Music and language are unique to the human beings. It has been suggested that music and language have a common origin as an emotional protolanguage. The development of socialisation has resulted in the development of language into a symbolic communication system with explicit semantics. By contrast, music has become an important means of emotional expression. However, whether language with explicit semantics affects the emotional processing of music remains uncertain. Given that songs contain melody and lyrics, previous behavioural studies have focused on songs to analyse the influence of lyrics on the processing of musical emotion. However, several studies have also shown the influence of lyrics, although such findings are relatively contradictory.Thus, the current study used behavioural and electrophysiological measurements to investigate the impact of lyrics on the processing of musical emotion. Experiment 1 analysed whether the emotional connotations in music with and without lyrics could be perceived by listeners at the behavioural level. Experiment 2 further investigated whether there are different neural responses to emotions conveyed by melodies with and without lyrics.A cross-modal affective priming paradigm was used in Experiments 1 and 2, in which musical excerpts served as the prime and emotional faces as target. To avoid the impact of familiarity, 120 musical stimuli were selected from European opera. Each was sung by a vocalist with and without lyrics, thereby resulting in 240 musical stimuli in two versions as potential prime stimuli. A total of 160 facial expressions affectively congruent or incongruent with the preceding musical stimuli were selected as potential target stimuli. Three pre-tests were conducted to ensure the validity of the stimuli. Eventually, 60 musical stimuli for each music version were selected as the prime stimuli, whilst 120 images were used as the target stimuli, thereby resulting in 240 music-image pairs. To ensure that each stimulus appears only once for each participant, two lists were prepared using a Latin square design. Each prime and target was presented in either the congruent or incongruent condition within each list. Thus, each list comprised 120 trials, with 30 trials in each condition. During the experiment, the two lists were equally distributed across the participants. A total of 40 healthy adults participated in Experiment 1. They were asked to judge as quickly and accurately as possible whether the emotion of the target was happy or sad. The accuracy and reaction time were collected. Meanwhile, 20 healthy adults participated in Experiment 2. They were required to judge whether the emotion between music and image was congruent or incongruent whilst their EEG waveforms were recorded. ERPs were analysed and compared between conditions at the time windows of 250~450 ms and 500~700 ms after the onset of the target.The Experiment 1 results showed that when faces were primed by music either with or without lyrics, the participants responded faster and more accurately under affectively congruent condition compared with affectively incongruent condition. This finding indicated that the emotional connotations in music with and without lyrics could both be perceived. The ERP results in Experiment 2 showed that distinct neural mechanisms were activated by music with and without lyrics. Specifically, when faces were primed by music without lyrics, a larger N400 was elicited in response to affectively incongruent pairs than to affectively congruent pairs at the time window of 250~450 ms. However, when faces were primed by music with lyrics, a more positive LPC was observed in response to the affectively incongruent pairs than to the affectively congruent pairs at 500~700 ms. This finding confirms the results of Experiment 1, thereby suggesting that the emotion conveyed by music with and without lyrics could be perceived by the listeners. Moreover, the emotional processing between music with and without lyrics differs in the time course of neural processing. That is, the emotional processing of music with lyrics lagged behind that of music without lyrics.In conclusion, the present results suggest that the neural processing of emotional connotations in music without lyrics preceded that of music with lyrics, although the emotional connotations conveyed by music with and without lyrics could both be perceived. These findings also supported theory of musical philosophy, which suggests that music without lyrics can express emotion more immediately and more directly than music with lyrics owing to the lack of “translation” from the propositional system. On the other hand, considering that lyrics influenced the time course of emotional processing in music with lyrics, our results also provide evidence that the emotional processing of music and language may share neural resources to some extent.

  • Neural mechanisms underlying the experience of musical pleasure

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2020-10-22

    Abstract: Musical pleasure is the most common psychological phenomenon in music activities. Here, recent work on the neural substrates of musical pleasure has been reviewed, and we conclude that the experience of musical pleasure is related to activities of the brain reward system and interactions between the nucleus accumbens and other cortical regions (e.g., the auditory cortex). Especially, the dopaminergic transmission plays a causal role in this experience. Furthermore, the induction of musical pleasure can be explained by reward prediction errors and the information-theoretic model from the perspective of expectation. Future studies should further examine the function of the nucleus accumbens and other cortical regions in the induction of musical pleasure and integrate different expectation theories. "

  • Role of the human mirror system in musical emotion automatic processing: Evidence from EEG

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-03-21

    Abstract: 人类镜像系统被认为是社会认知的重要组成部分。 大脑中线电极诱发的 µ抑制波(包括 α 和 β 频段)是人类镜像系统活动的电生理指标。 尽管音乐情绪表现被认为是通过模仿个 体的心理状态来实现的,但是尚未有研究对此进行探究。 本研究通过 EEG 技术,采用跨通 道情绪启动范式, 探究人类镜像系统是否涉及和弦情绪的自动加工。 愉悦或不愉悦的和弦启动情绪一致与不一致的目标面孔。 行为结果显示,被试对情绪一致面孔的反应显著快于情绪不一致面孔的反应。 EEG 结果显示, 在听觉刺激出现后的 500~650 ms 之间, 与情绪一致条件相比,情绪不一致条件诱发了 β 频段的去同步化。在听觉刺激出现后的 300~450 ms,无论是情绪一致,还是不一致条件,都诱发了 α 频段的去同步化。 源分析结果显示, µ抑制波主要出现在人类镜像系统的核心脑区,即顶下小叶和额下回或前运动皮层。 这些结果表明,音乐情绪的自动加工与人类镜像系统的活动密切相关。

  • 歌词对音乐情绪加工的影响:行为与ERP的研究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2018-10-26 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:本研究探讨了歌词对音乐情绪加工的影响。实验1使用情感启动范式, 带有歌词与无歌词音乐片段为启动刺激, 与音乐情绪一致或不一致的面孔图片为目标刺激, 被试任务是既快又准确地判断目标面孔的情绪。结果显示, 无论音乐是否带有歌词, 听者在一致条件下的反应都比不一致条件更快更准确, 这表明听者能加工音乐传达的情绪信息。实验2进一步通过电生理手段探讨歌词影响音乐情绪加工的神经机制。研究结果显示, 尽管听者对带有歌词和无歌词音乐情绪的加工都产生了启动效应, 但是无歌词音乐条件在250~450 ms时间窗口产生了N400效应, 而带有歌词音乐条件在500~700 ms时间窗口诱发了LPC效应, 该结果表明, 歌词影响了大脑加工音乐情绪的时间进程。本研究结果将在一定程度上为音乐与语言关系的探究提供依据。

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