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  • 情绪对联合行动中共同表征能力的影响机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Joint action is a common phenomenon that involves two or more people cooperating together to achieve a common goal in our daily life. The action representation of co-actors play an important role in joint actions. Self-other integration, as a type of cognitive process, is the foundation of the joint action. Moreover, emotion can influence not only cognitive processes but also social interactions (Lyubomirsky et al., 2005). Therefore, it is worthy to investigate whether different types of emotion play an important role in joint action. Three experiments were conducted in the present study to explore the influences of different dimensional of emotions on joint actions. A total of 48 participants were recruited in Experiment 1a to investigate the change of co-representation ability in joint action under conditions of high level of arousal with high/low level of valence. Joint Simon task was used to measure the ability of co-representation, and PANAS and Affect Grid were used to measure the level of emotional valence and arousal. In Experiment 1b, 48 participants were recruited to further explore the effect of low arousal with different valences on joint actions. In Experiment 2, another 48 participants were recruited to explore the effect of the dimension of motivation on joint actions under the condition of high arousal and high valence. The results of Experiment 1a showed that high arousal improved Joint Simon effect (JSE) significantly regardless of the valence, which indicated that high arousal played an important role in joint actions. Experiment 1b revealed that high valence played a compensating role under the condition of low arousal. The results of combined analyses of experiment 1a and 1b showed that high arousal could be a key factor in enhancing the ability of co-representation. Experiment 2 found that, only under the condition of low motivation, high arousal with high valence could significantly improve JSE. In conclusion, these results indicate that (1) high level of emotional arousal is the key factor in improving the ability of co-representation in joint actions regardless of the level of emotional valence; (2) high level of emotional valence played an compensating role under the condition of low level of arousal to maintain the level of co-representation; (3) the high arousal is not the determined factor in the enhancement of the co-representation and moderated by motivation intensity as well; and (4) When completing joint action, emotions adjusts the referential coding of co-actor through regulating range of attention so that influences the ability of co-representation, which further confirming the referential coding account.

  • 基于客体的一致性效应的产生机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: The object-based Correspondence effect (also called object-based Simon effect), is a special spatial Correspondence effect, which refers to the phenomenon that responses are faster and more accurate when a handle of the graspable object and the response position or the responding hand are consistent than inconsistent. Tucker and Ellis (1998) first found the object-based Correspondence effect, and attributed the effect to the functional affordance of handles. In other words, when participants watch the graspable object, they automatically activate the tendency to grasp the handle of the object with their corresponding hands. Therefore, when the responding hand which is automatically activated by the handle is consistent that required by the task, responses are faster. In addition to the functional affordance, many researchers have also used the spatial position coding account to explain this effect. The account held the view that the generation of the object-based Correspondence effect was related to the position of the asymmetric handle of the stimuli, which automatically activated the response of the ipsilateral position, leading to the object-based Correspondence effect (Cho & Proctor, 2010). It's uncertain that the generation of object-based Correspondence effect is due to affordance coding or spatial coding hypothesis. In the present study, three experiments were conducted to investigate the generation mechanism of the object-based Correspondence effect. The stimulus materials were the silhouettes and photographs of the frying pans. In Experiment 1 the frying pan was located at the center of the screen, participants were asked to judge the stimulus to be upright or inverted, and responded with the responding hand. The aim of it was to examine whether the silhouettes and photographs of the frying pan would exist the object-based Correspondence effect without significant spatial position. In Experiment 2, the base of the frying pan was placed at the center of the screen, which made the left and right position of the handle more significant, and continue to examine whether the object-based Correspondence effect would appear when there existed the significant spatial coding. In Experiment 3, a crossed-hand response paradigm was adopted to separate response position from responding hand coding, in other words, participants pressed the right key with the left hand and the left key with the right hand, and to further explore the generation mechanism of the object-based Correspondence effect. The results suggested that there existed the object-based Correspondence effect in Experiment 1 when spatial location of the stimulus was not significant for silhouette stimuli, but not photograph stimuli. In Experiment 2 when the spatial position of the stimuli was more significant, silhouette and photograph stimuli both showed the Correspondence effect and the effect size was similar. The RT combined analysis of Experiment 1 and 2 suggested that the Correspondence effect size of Experimental 2 was larger than Experiment 1 for silhouette stimuli, and similar for photograph stimuli. In Experiment 3 when the hands were crossed there was Correspondence effect between the handle and the response position for both silhouette and photograph stimuli, but not the Correspondence effect between the handle and the responding hand. The combined analysis with the Experiment 2 suggested that the effect size of Experiment 3 was smaller than Experiment 2 for both silhouette and photograph stimuli. Based on these results, it is concluded that the spatial coding hypothesis plays an important role in the generation of the object-based Correspondence effect during a two key-pressing selection task, the affordance coding or other explanations are much smaller than that.

  • 追踪手势对视空间学习的增强作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Visuo-spatial ability is the main component of spatial cognitive ability, which forms the spatial model of external world in human brain and think in mind through the transformation of model paradigm. However, when there are few landmarks or reference objects in an unfamiliar environment, individuals with low visuo-spatial ability are often prone to get lost. So, for these individuals with low visuo-spatial ability, how to solve this problem is worth exploring. Previous researches have shown that gestures help individuals to learn. However, most studies focused on improving the ability of route learning by observing tracking gestures, while there were few studies exploring the effect of generating tracking gestures, and there was no research exploring the role of generating tracking gestures in route learning on 3D maps. The route learning task was adopted as the main paradigm in the present study to explore the enhancing effect of generating tracking gestures in the route learning process of 3D map. A total of 53 participants were recruited in Experiment 1 to explore the improving effect of generating tracking gestures on visuo-spatial learning of 2D map and 3D map. In Experiment 2, another 49 participants were recruited to investigate the enhancing mechanism of generating tracking gestures in route learning using occlusion paradigm. Experiment 3 recruited another 53 participants to explore the methods of enhancement of visuo-spatial learning based on tracking gesture. The results of Experiment 1 showed that generating tracking gestures significantly improve the performance of visuo-spatial learning in both 2D map and 3D map, and the enhancing effect of generating tracking gesture on route learning of 3D map was higher than that of 2D map. Experiment 2 revealed that visuo-spatial learning was enhanced by the visual information and sensorimotor information provided by tracking gestures. The results of Experiment 3 showed that the enhancing effect of generating self-referential tracking gestures was significantly higher than that of observing others' tracking gestures, and it also proved that enhancing physical presence can improve the effect of visuo-spatial learning. In summary, these results suggest that (1)generating tracking gestures can enhance visuo-spatial learning; (2)visual information and sensorimotor information provided by tracking gestures play important roles in visuo-spatial learning, which confirms image maintenance theory and further complements the embodied embodied-external cognitive perspective of gesture; (3)increasing physical presence can enhance visuo-spatial learning, which validates the embodied-external cognitive perspective of gesture; (4)compared with observing other's tracking gestures, generating self-referential tracking gestures has a better performance, that is, generating self-referential tracking gestures is a more effective way to improve visuo-spatial learning.

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