Your conditions: 张晶晶
  • 语言和音乐层级结构的加工

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: In language and music development, smaller elements combine into larger units, which eventually form hierarchical structures. Previous studies have found that listeners can segment continuous stream of speech and music into hierarchies and represent them in a hierarchical way. On the basis of perception, listeners can also integrate incoming language and music events into hierarchical structures to form a coherent understanding and ultimately complete the communication smoothly. Future studies should analyze the role of boundary clues in hierarchical structure perception, examine the influencing factors of integration processes at different time scales, and further explore the relationship between language and music hierarchical structure processing.

  • 音乐句法加工的认知机制与音乐结构的影响模式

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Music and language are the two most important sign systems for human beings. Similar to language, music is also constructed on certain syntactic rules. Although evidence has shown that listeners are sensitive to musical syntax, the underlying cognitive mechanism and its influencing factors are still unknown. Therefore, we intend to further explore the role of prediction and integration in musical syntactic processing, as well as the impact of musical hierarchical and temporal structures on musical syntactic processing. We expect the proposed studies to further reveal the nature of musical syntactic processing, and to provide empirical evidence for the comparison between music and language and the exploration of human general communication mechanism.

  • 语言经验对概率词切分的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Ample statistical learning (SL) studies have shown that individuals can perform word segmentation by tracking the likelihood of syllable co-occurrences in continuous speech. The classic “exposure-test” paradigm was widely used in this field, in which participants were first exposed to an artificial language and then tested in a forced choice task to assess learning effects. Recently, research has shown that participants' linguistic background, including their phonological and lexical experience, may result in experience-dependent SL. After a systematic review, we also discuss the direction for future SL studies. Specifically, we suggest that for studies involving Mandarin native speakers, researchers should carefully examine the separate and combined effects of various linguistic experience in order to better understand statistical word segmentation.

  • 基于心灵知觉理论的AI服务用户接受机制及使用促进策略

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Many enterprises have adopted AI services to respond to customer needs, yet several studies indicate that users are not always satisfied with AI in service. This study explores the key factors that drive users' attitudes toward AI services and usage promotion strategies based on the generation and influence of users' mind perceptions of AI, which including (1) Mechanism analysis: How do the cues and experiential factors of users' early contact with AI lead to the perception that AI is “good at computing but not feeling”? This study argues that past frustrations with AI in emotional-social service scenarios and mass media portrayals of AI as “highly intelligent and low in emotional intelligence” have led users to develop the perception that AI is good at computation but lacks feelings. This makes users willing to use AI for functional purposes only in cognitive-analytical tasks, but not like to establish empathic connections with AI in emotional-social tasks. (2) Moderating effects: How do different internal user states and external AI features moderate the formation and activation of this mind perception toward AI? This study believes that higher frequency of AI use and technology use self-efficacy make individuals more likely to establish para-friendship relationships with AI, those two factors that inhibit the formation of mind perceptions that users believe AI is good at computing but lacks feeling. On the other hand, the degree of anthropomorphism and the degree of flexibility in the task influenced individuals' cognitive cues to AI, those two factors that inhibit the activation of the user's mind perception toward AI. (3) Facilitation strategies: With the reverse utilization of mind perception, how can the mimicry of AI as warmth animals and the provision of technical assistance enable users to accept services from AI in a wider range of scenarios? This study proposes that by designing an information framework that demonstrates the computational power of AI and at the same time, mimics AI as an animal with “high warmth” quality, it can reconcile the paradox of “AI is good at computation but lacks feeling” and promote the user's perception of AI's empathic ability. This will increase users' willingness to use AI in emotional-social tasks. On the other hand, providing users with tips and technical assistance when interacting with AI can help build a joint interaction model between AI and humans, reduce users' concerns about AI's lack of empathic capacity, and increase people's willingness to use AI in emotional-social tasks. This study attempts to construct a new model of AI service acceptance based on the theory of mind perception at the theoretical level and provide a psychological reference for theoretically explaining users' ambivalent attitudes toward AI services. At the practical level, this study attempts to propose two pathways to facilitate users' acceptance of AI services with the help of mind perception theory and provide a technical reference for enterprises to enhance the effectiveness of AI applications in their service processes.

  • 转换概率和词长期待对语音统计学习的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Statistical Learning (SL) has long been established as a powerful mechanism in language learning and development. Within this framework, transitional probability (TP) of various levels have been shown to confer differing task performance for adults. Recent studies have also highlighted the role of linguistic experience in the process of SL. However, it remains unclear whether different word lengths as well as varying levels of TPs may impact the segmentation of continuous speech. In the low TP condition, the superior outcome of disyllabic contrasts might stem from the Mandarin speakers' prior linguistic experience—their expectation that words should be of two syllables. For the trisyllabic contrasts, lower TPs may provide relatively weakened statistical regularities for tracking word boundaries, which may in turn lead to difficulty extracting words. Importantly, our findings show that when both factors present difficulties (e.g., trisyllabic contrasts in the low TP condition), such that the word length violates the listeners' expectation and the TPs do not provide high levels of consistency, word segmentation can no longer be supported. The current study showed for the first time that when combining TP and word length in the speech material, these two factors impact word segmentation in a complex manner. This study offers new insight for future SL designs as well as potentially informative directions in exploring how individual differences based on linguistic backgrounds may manifest itself in word segmentation tasks. Sixty native Mandarin monolinguals participated in a word segmentation task. An artificial language was designed with the same flat tone paired with 13 syllables, resulting in two disyllabic and three trisyllabic monotonic words. While only the segmental tier offered reliable information to segmentation, information from the suprasegmental level ensured that each word was phonologically legal in Mandarin. The words were then combined into two conditions of a monotonic artificial language: for the hTP language, all TPs within words were 1.0; whereas they were 0.6 in the lTP condition. Two types of nonwords (trisyllabic and disyllabic) were created for the test phase, then paired with target words of equal length in each trial. Adults were first exposed to the monotonic artificial language and then tested in a 2 alternative forced-choice task (2AFC) to decide whether a word or a nonword sounded more familiar. The mixed two-way ANOVA with word length (disyllables vs. trisyllables) as a within-subject factor and TP (high TP vs. low TP) as a between-subjects factor yielded nonsignificant effects for either word length or TP levels. There was also no significant interaction. A series of one-sample t-tests were conducted between the participants' average accuracy and chance level (.5). Participants preferred words over nonwords in most conditions except for trisyllabic contrasts in the low TP condition. Additional planned contrasts among the conditions revealed that when the TPs were low, participants performed significantly better in the disyllabic condition than in the trisyllabic condition; under the trisyllabic condition, high TP yielded better performance than low TP.

  • Transitional probabilities and expectation for word length impact verbal statistical learning

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2020-12-17

    Abstract: " " " "

  • The influence of linguistic experience on statistical word segmentation

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2020-10-27

    Abstract: Ample statistical learning (SL) studies have shown that individuals can perform word segmentation by tracking the likelihood of syllable co-occurrences in continuous speech. The classic “exposure-test” paradigm was widely used in this field, in which participants were first exposed to an artificial language and then tested in a forced choice task to assess learning effects. Recently, research has shown that participants’ linguistic background, including their phonological and lexical experience, may result in experience-dependent SL. After a systematic review, we also discuss the direction for future SL studies. Specifically, we suggest that for studies involving Mandarin native speakers, researchers should carefully examine the separate and combined effects of various linguistic experience in order to better understand statistical word segmentation.

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