您选择的条件: 2023-05-15
  • Serial bias in the perception of biological motion emotional states

    分类: 心理学 >> 认知心理学 提交时间: 2023-05-15

    摘要: People can judge the emotions of other individuals by their movements, which are influenced by previously occurring movements, possibly because previously occurring movements provide a priori information about the current. In the current study, we presented sequences of biological motion of different emotional states and examined the influence of previously occurring actions on the evaluation of emotion for the current action in the biological motion sequence. We found that: first, emotion evaluation for the current biological motion systematically deviated from, rather than bias toward, past evaluation, showing a repulsive bias, with the amplitude of the bias negatively correlated with overall emotion recognition error. Second, the amplitude of the bias was not found to correlate with autistic traits or empathy, but with third-person movement imagery. Results tentatively suggest that there is no attractive bias in biological motion emotion perception, and the repulsive bias produced by previously observed biological motion states on current evaluation is an adaptation-like aftereffect, which enhances the accuracy of emotion recognition, but it is part of general visual cognitive rather than social cognitive functioning.

  • 从不平衡的视觉输入到不平衡的视觉注意:探寻短时程眼优势可塑性的神经机制

    分类: 心理学 >> 认知心理学 提交时间: 2023-05-15

    摘要: 在个体视觉系统的发展过程中,视觉系统的结构与功能会受到视觉经验和内外部环境的影响而发生改变,这被称为视觉可塑性。视觉可塑性在出生后的发育关键期内达到峰值。虽然成年期视皮层神经环路的结构功能趋于稳定,但有越来越多的研究表明成年人视皮层中仍保留着一定程度的可塑性,其中的典型代表就是眼优势的可塑性。最近十几年的研究发现,短时程操控成年人的各种视觉输入信息,乃至调节两眼间注意资源的分配,都可以引起成年人眼优势发生偏移。然而,两者调节眼优势的神经机制可能并不相同。视觉输入对成年人眼优势的调节可能主要反映了视觉皮层的稳态可塑性机制;而注意对眼优势的影响则是一种高级加工对初级视觉皮层的反馈调节,目前可以用拮抗神经元的适应机制来作解释。未来研究可以寻找更加直接的证据来支持这一解释,此外也应重点关注注意与视觉输入之间会如何交互影响成年人眼优势。

  • 运营单位: 中国科学院文献情报中心
  • 制作维护:中国科学院文献情报中心知识系统部
  • 邮箱: eprint@mail.las.ac.cn
  • 地址:北京中关村北四环西路33号
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