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Your conditions: 2019-2
  • The dark side of positive leadership: A review and prospect

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-02-28

    Abstract: Previous leadership research has primarily concentrated on the bright side of positive leadership styles, while paying less attention to their possible dark side. Although the recent years have witnessed an increasing number of these inquiries, there is still a lack of a clear understanding of the dark side of positive leadership. A review of 41 empirical journal articles illustrates the scientific status of this research area. In general, research has illustrated the dark side of behavior-oriented leadership (i.e., transformational, ethical, empowering, inclusive, and benevolent leadership) as well as relationship-oriented leadership (i.e., leader-member exchange) in terms of their negative effects on leaders, followers, and teams. Besides the research that solely examined the negative effect, there is a body of research that investigated the double-edged sword effects and nonlinear effect of positive leadership. Social identity theory, social exchange theory, psychoanalysis theory, social information processing theory, and resource-based theories were primarily used to account for the dark side of positive leadership. Future research should develop an integrated theoretical framework underlying the dark side of positive leadership, extend existing literature by examining the dark side of other leadership styles, and identify the boundary conditions that alleviate these dark side effects. Group differences (e.g., cultures, generation, and gender) should also be considered as boundary conditions of the dark side of positive leadership.

  • The relationship between self-esteem and social anxiety: A meta-analysis with Chinese students

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2019-02-28

    Abstract: Social anxiety has become a serious public health concern in our society. It is imperative to examine risk factors for this problem. Among these predictive variables, self-esteem has been one of the most examined risk factors for social anxiety. Numerous studies have explored the relationship between self-esteem and social anxiety among Chinese students. However, these results are far from consistency. Therefore, this meta-analysis was conducted to explore the relation between self-esteem and social anxiety among Chinese students, and investigate the moderating effects of measurement tools of social anxiety, participant types, and gender. Through literature retrieval, 58 independent effect sizes together with 32181 participants which met the inclusion criteria of meta-analysis were selected. Heterogeneity test indicated that random effects model was appropriate for the meta-analysis. The results of funnel plot and Egger’s intercept illustrated no publication bias. Main-effect test indicated a significant negative correlation between self-esteem and social anxiety (r = −0.35, 95%CI = [−0.39, −0.31]). Further moderation analyses revealed that the association between self-esteem and social anxiety was moderated by measurement tools of social anxiety, but not by the type of participants and gender. The results supported the fear management theories of self-esteem and the cognitive models of social anxiety. Longitudinal or experimental studies are needed in the future to reveal the causal relationship between self-esteem and social anxiety.

  • Probability weighting bias in risky decision making: Psychological mechanism and optimizing strategies

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-02-28

    Abstract: Probability weighting bias refers to the deviation between the perceived likelihood and the objective likelihood of an event, which affects investment, insurance, doctor-patient communications, etc. The non-compensatory strategy in which people give more weight to “outcomes” than “probabilities”, and the emotional fluctuation induced by the reference point cause probability weighting bias; changing the description of “probabilities”, emotional experience of “outcomes”, reference point of “gains and losses”, and psychological distance from risk, can adjust such bias and optimize decision-making. Future studies need to further explore the issues, such as its application situations, mechanism correlations, and the identification of probability weighting bias. "

  • 智慧与幸福感的关系:基于多元幸福取向的视角

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2019-02-25 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:智慧与幸福是人类的普遍追求。智慧与自我实现幸福感(eudaimonia well-being)正相关得到研究者的普遍认同。智慧与享乐主义幸福感(hedonia well-being)是何种关系, 仍在争论中。从智慧发展的角度, 学者提出了积极人格发展观和发展历程观, 对智慧与幸福感的关系进行更深入地理论探讨。结合中国文化及智慧和幸福感的研究进展, 提出发展水平观:随着智慧发展水平不断提高, 个体幸福感的来源、持续时间以及对身心健康的影响存在差异。未来宜重点解决两个问题:(1)选择和编制适宜的智慧和幸福感测量工具; (2)澄清智慧与幸福感的因果关系。

  • 移动购物更快吗?决策场景与思维模式的相容性

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2019-02-25 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:既有文献对消费者延迟选择影响因素的研究,主要集中于决策复杂度、决策者特质或情绪,少有对决策场景进行深入探讨。互联网购物时代,PC 端与手机端已成为重要的消费场景。针对手机端是否会加快消费者决策过程的问题目前也存在不一致的结论。本文引入决策双系统理论,力图解释以往看似冲突的结论。消费者的购买决策模式,不仅会受到决策任务(产品价格)的影响,还会受到决策场景(购买终端)影响。当场景与决策任务使消费者启动的思维模式相一致时,会提升决策流畅度,降低延迟选择。本文发现,移动端(PC 端)与低(高)价格产品更容易激发相容的经验性(理性)思维,降低延迟选择倾向。反之,则会同时启动两种相左的决策思维,增加延迟选择倾向。本文从场景启动与价格启动视角,将以往消费者单一的决策思维模式,拓展到多因素启动的思维模式相容性问题;同时本文通过探究延迟选择问题,对价格策略与场景化营销带来启示。

  • 视频材料中双眼注视视差的情绪面孔相关性:双眼协调

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2019-02-25 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:为了保持主观视知觉的整体性和单一性,双眼在收集信息过程中需要得到精确的协调和统整,即双眼协调。然而现有文献多以赫林法则——把双眼当作一个器官,行动模式完全一致——为基础进行 “ 单眼视觉 ” 研究。自闭症儿童和对照组儿童在观看不同情绪面孔视频时,Tobii 眼动仪高精度记录了眼动轨迹。高精度数据中的不同噪音被针对性的滤除后,时间序列上双眼注视视差的变化情况得到了清晰的呈现。分析结果表明:(1) 双眼注视视差随着刺激和时间变化而变化。这反驳了赫林法则,间接支持赫尔姆霍兹假设:两只眼睛是相对独立的,并相互协作;(2) 在不同情绪面孔下,正常儿童的双眼注视点间距表现出一致的变化模式,表明情绪面孔对双眼注视点间距具有调节作用;(3) 而自闭症被试的双眼注视视差在所有的情绪面孔上均存在显著的特异性,进一步揭示了自闭症儿童对情绪面孔感知的特异性。

  • 从动作模仿到社会认知:自我―他人控制的作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2019-02-25 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract:在社会互动中,人们具有自动模仿他人动作的倾向。尽管这种自动模仿有利于个体理解他人动作的感受,但有时也会与自身的动作意图产生冲突。因此我们需要将自身动作意图与他人动作进行区分并调控二者之间的冲突。这种能力被称为自我―他人控制(self-other control, SOC)。与动作模仿控制相同,心理理论、观点采择和共情等更高级的社会认知同样涉及对自我和他人信息的加工。很多证据表明,SOC 可能是一种领域普遍的(domain-general)加工机制,即在动作模仿控制和其他社会认知中,大脑对自我和他人双方信息的区分和冲突调控共用同一套 SOC 系统。最近一些研究发现,相比于抑制自身优势反应的抑制控制(inhibitory control),SOC 是社会认知中一个更为关键的影响因素,抑制控制对社会认知的作用受到 SOC 的调节。此外,SOC 的领域普遍性提示我们,未来可以通过简单的动作模仿控制训练,来为社会认知受损个体(如孤独症和述情障碍者)进行康复训练。

  • Single-item measures: Queries, responses and suggestions

    Subjects: Psychology >> Psychological Measurement submitted time 2019-02-24

    Abstract: Single-item measures have long been debated by researchers. Proponents advocate the efficiency of single-item measures, while opponents question reliability and validity of them. Through comprehensive qualitative and quantitative reviews, advantages and disadvantages of single-item measures are summarized, and doubts and debates in the literature are analyzed and responded specially. Through systematic review, results show that single-item measures have acceptable level of reliability and validity. More notably, the criterion-related validity of multi-item measures is not superior than single-item measures. With the review and current findings, issues that should be noted during the development and usage of single-item measures were addressed. Although multi-item measures are more acceptable, single-item measures may also have its legitimacy in academic research. That is, researchers should value the potential advantages and application scope of single-item measures, so that single-item measures can play its appropriate role in managerial psychology and social science research.

  • 多维范式下神经组织行为学的哲学基础、理论框架和研究方法

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-02-20

    Abstract: 神经组织行为学是指通过探究组织现象背后的生物学运作机理,从神经生理视角发展并重构组织行为学框架的新兴多领域交叉学科。多维范式下的神经组织行为学包括从还原论到涌现论的哲学基础,基于社会情境认知理论、跨层次研究和逆向推理的理论框架,以及神经成像法和ANS测量法并行的研究方法。未来研究应注意神经组织行为学可能给组织理论带来的变革,以及研究方法的未来走向。

  • Phubbing: Antecedents , consequences and functioning mechanisms

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2019-02-20

    Abstract: In the age of mobile Internet, it is common for people to focus on their mobile phones while neglecting other people or events around them in social situations. This phenomenon refers to phubbing. In the current paper, we systematically reviewed relevant studies, and summarized the antecedents, consequences, and functioning mechanisms of phubbing. Building on them, we proposed several directions for future research, including using a person-centered approach to explore how phubbing develops, examining the effects of phubbing from the boundary creation perspective, demonstrating the mutual influence of phubbing and interpersonal relationship quality, clarifying the impact of phubbing on the phubbers, and exploring the functioning mechanisms based on the perspective of non-interpersonal perception. " "

  • Power disparity and team conflict: The roles of procedural Justice and legitimacy

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-02-20

    Abstract: Power disparity refers to the differences in the concentration of power among team members. Although the pervasiveness and importance of power disparity have been well recognized, it is less clear about whether power disparity is functional or dysfunctional. Researchers have suggested that power disparity can facilitate team performance by facilitating coordination, while it has also been shown to trigger team conflict since power disparity may be perceived as unequal and unfair. In this context, our study mains to reconcile the contrasting perspectives by proposing procedural justice and team legitimacy as the contingences of the relationship between power disparity and team conflict (i.e., task conflict and relationship conflict). Drawing on the perspective of power struggle, we propose that in a situation where power disparity is perceived as legitimate due to high level of procedural justice, members are likely to accept the current distribution of power, and thus coordinate with each other. However, when power disparity is perceived as illegitimate, as generated by low level of procedural justice, members are likely to view power disparity as unequal and unfair. In this case, low ranked members may tend to rebel the current power distribution by competing over power, thereby resulting in team conflict. Data were collected from two manufacturing companies in Zhejiang Province. To reduce the potential influence of common method bias, we used a two-wave design with a one-month interval. At Time 1, 450 employees within 90 teams responded to the questions on power disparity, procedural justice, team legitimacy and control variables. At Time 2, 376 employees within 81 teams who completed Time 1 survey responded to the questions on task conflict and relationship conflict. The final sample contained 322 employees within 70 teams. We measured individuals’ power through round-robin design (i.e., asking individual to rate the power of each team member) and calculated the coefficient of variation in individuals’ power to indicate the degree of power disparity within a team. Moreover, we aggregated the measures of task conflict, relationship conflict, procedural justice and team legitimacy to the group level for analyses. Results showed that both procedural justice and team legitimacy moderated the relationship between power disparity and team conflict (task conflict and relationship conflict). When procedural justice was high, power disparity was negatively related to task conflict and relationship conflict, while these relationships became positive when procedural justice was low. In a similar vein, when team legitimacy was high, power disparity was negatively associated with task conflict and relationship conflict, whereas power disparity was positively related to task conflict and relationship conflict when team legitimacy was low. Moreover, procedural justice was shown to positively related to team legitimacy. Finally, following the procedures suggested by Grant and Berry (2011), we conducted a mediated moderation analysis to test the integrative model. Result showed that team legitimacy mediated the moderation effect of procedural justice on the relationship between power disparity and team conflict (task conflict and relationship conflict). Our findings contribute to literature in two ways. First, this study extends our current understanding of the relationship between power disparity and team conflict by testing procedural justice and team legitimacy as the moderators of this relationship. Second, our findings reveal that power disparity can either decrease or increase team conflict when procedural justice (team legitimacy) is high and low, respectively. By doing so, our study provides a new approach to integrate the functional and dysfunctional perspectives on the effect of power disparity.

  • 让自适应测验更知人善选——基于推荐系统的选题策略

    Subjects: Psychology >> Psychological Measurement submitted time 2019-02-19

    Abstract: 基于推荐系统中协同过滤推荐的思想,提出两种可以利用已有答题者数据的CAT选题策略:直接基于答题者推荐(DEBR)和间接基于答题者推荐(IEBR)。通过两个模拟研究,在不同题库和不同长度的测验中,比较了两种推荐选题策略与两种传统选题策略(FMI和BAS)在测量精度和对题目曝光率控制上的表现,以及影响推荐选题策略表现的因素。结果发现:两种推荐选题策略对题目曝光率的控制优于两种传统选题策略,测量精度不亚于BAS方法,其中DEBR侧重选题精度,IEBR对题目曝光率控制最好。已有答题者数据的特点和质量是影响推荐选题策略表现的主要因素。

  • Using a multi-order cognitive diagnosis model to assess scientific literacy

    Subjects: Psychology >> Psychological Measurement Subjects: Psychology >> Educational Psychology submitted time 2019-02-14

    Abstract: In PISA 2015, scientific literacy is defined as “the ability to engage with science-related issues, and with the ideas of science, as a reflective citizen”. There are four interdependent dimensions are specified in the scientific literacy assessment framework for PISA 2015: Competencies, Knowledge, Contexts, and Attitudes. Given that knowledge of scientific literacy contributes significantly to individuals’ personal, social, and professional lives, it is of vital importance to find an objectively and accurately assessment method for scientific literacy. However, only unidimensional IRT models were used in the analysis in PISA 2015. Which means that the analysis model does not match with such a multidimensional assessment framework. It is desired to develop a new analysis model. This study attempts to measure scientific literacy in cognitive diagnostic assessment for the first time. According to the scientific literacy assessment framework for PISA 2015, a third-order latent structure for scientific literacy is first pointed out. Specifically, the scientific literacy is treated as the third-order latent trait; Competencies, Knowledge, Contexts, and Attitudes are all treated as second-order latent traits; And nine subdomains, e.g., explain phenomena scientifically and content knowledge, were treated as first-order traits (or attributes). Unfortunately, however, there is still a lack of cognitive diagnosis models that can deal with such a third-order latent structure. To this end, a multi-order DINA (MO-DINA) model was developed in this study. The new model is an extension of the higher-order (HO-DINA) model, which is similar to the third-order IRT models. To illustrate the application and advantages of the MO-DINA model, a sub-data of PISA 2015 science assessment data were analyzed. Items were chosen from the S01 cluster, and participants were chosen from China. After data cleaning, 1076 participants with 18 items were retained. Three models were fitted to this sub-data and compared, the MO-DINA model, in which the third-order latent structure of scientific literacy was considered; the HO-DINA model, in which the scientific literacy was treated as a second-order latent trait and contacted with attributes directly; and the DINA model.All three models appear to provide a reasonably good fit to data according to the posterior predictive model checking. According to the –2LL, AIC, BIC, and DIC, the DINA model fits the data worst, and the MO-DINA model fits the data best, the results of MO-DINA model are used to make further interpretations. The results indicated that (1) the quality of 18 items are not good enough; (2) The correlations among second-order latent traits are high (0.8, approximately); (3) Knowledge has the greatest influence on scientific literacy, Contexts second, and Competencies least; (4) Explain phenomena scientifically, procedural knowledge, and local/national has the greatest influence on Competencies, Knowledge, and Contexts, respectively. In addition, a simulation study was conducted to evaluate the psychometric properties of the proposed model. The results showed that the proposed Bayesian MCMC estimation algorithm can provide accurate model parameter estimation.Overall, the proposed MO-DINA model works well in real data analysis and simulation study and meets the needs of assessment for PISA 2015 scientific literacy which included a third-order latent structure." " "

  • The effect of music training on pre-attentive processing of the brain

    Subjects: Psychology >> Other Disciplines of Psychology submitted time 2019-02-14

    Abstract: Pre-attentive processing is a cognitive process that takes place before attention and is independent of consciousness. It reflects the unconscious, automatic aspects of brain processing. Mismatch negativity (MMN) is the most commonly used indicator of pre-attentive processing. MMN amplitude reduction has emerged as one of the important clinical indices for psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia and depression. The main research paradigms of MMN include oddball paradigm and multi-feature paradigm. Music training has dramatic effects on the structure and function of human brains, such as increasing grey matter volume and improving attention and memory functions. Music training also has a significant impact on MMN, which is reflected in the paradigms constructed by different acoustic features. Future research should compare the impacts of oriental music and western music on MMN, explore a more ecologically valid research paradigm, and reveal the impact and mechanism of music training on MMN in the elderly. "

  • 道德相对主义和厌恶情绪对道德直觉判断的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2019-02-03

    Abstract: " The social intuition model suggests that moral reasoning occurs after moral intuitive judgment. The question of how people make intuitive moral judgments, and whether the process is influenced by reasoning and emotion, remains to be answered. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of moral relativism and disgust on moral intuitive judgment. According to the unimodal of human judgment, intuitive and deliberate judgments are based on similar rules. The hypotheses are as follows: moral relativism increases moral intuitive judgment (H1) and disgust increases moral intuitive judgment (H2). We conducted three experiments to test these hypotheses. In Experiment 1, we examined whether moral intuitive judgment exists. A total of 39 undergraduates were selected and asked to answer “yes” or “no” randomly, like tossing a coin, to 20 moral behaviors, 20 immoral behaviors, and 40 fillers. The accuracy of moral judgment is compared to random level (i.e., 0.5). Accuracy greater than 0.5 was considered indicative of moral intuitive judgment. Single-sample t-test showed that the accuracy of the participants’ random responses was significantly greater than random (i.e., 0.5), indicating the existence of moral intuitions. In Experiment 2, a total of 77 undergraduates were randomly assigned to two different conditions, i.e., moral relativism and moral absolutism. Participants were first primed moral absolutism or moral relativism by scrambling in a sentence, e.g., the scrambled sentence “as to rightness” “cannot” “different types of morality” “be compared” may be recomposed as “Different types of morality cannot be compared as to rightness” , then randomly answer “yes” or “no” to moral judgments. Independent-samples t-test showed that participants were more inclined to make moral intuitive judgments under the conditions of moral absolutism than moral relativism, which suggests that moral relativism weakens participants’ moral intuitive judgment, while moral absolutism promotes participants’ moral intuitive judgment. In Experiment 3, a total of 80 undergraduates were randomly assigned to two different emotional conditions, i.e., disgust and neutral emotion. Participants’ disgust (or neutral emotion) were primed by eight pictures of disgusting facial expressions (or eight pictures of neutral facial expressions) before randomly answering “yes” or “no” to moral judgments. Independent-sample t-test showed that participants were more inclined to make moral intuitive judgments under the conditions of disgust emotion than neutral emotion, which suggests that moral intuition judgments are affected by emotion, and disgust increases individuals’ moral intuitive judgments. In sum, the present research investigated the influence of moral relativism and disgust emotion on moral intuitive judgment, which helps to further understand the mechanism of moral intuitive judgment. In addition, it also provides some guidance for the daily moral judgment. The limitations and further research are also discussed.

  • The concept and influencing factors of unethical pro-organizational behavior: A motivational perspective

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-02-02

    Abstract: Unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) is an important research topic which has drawn more and more attention from the organizational behavior field in recent years. Yet, it’s worth noting that the conceptualization of UPB is somewhat vague. Based on the motivational perspective, this paper deeply deconstructs and analyses the conceptual ambiguity of UPB in terms of definition, characteristic, motivation and type, and form a systematic concept connotation of UPB. Further, following the motivational logic behind UPB, this paper systematically reviews the influencing factors of UPB, and explains the mechanisms of these influencing factors on UPB. Finally, this paper provides specific suggestions for future research in terms of subtype, measurement, research perspective, influencing factor, inhibition mechanism, influencing mechanism and localization. "

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