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Your conditions: 2019-3
  • Streams and Future Directions of Research on Work Motivation Based on the Self-Determination Theory

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-03-29

    Abstract: The study reported here is based on our thorough review on 97 articles published in English before May, 2018 as a result of our extensive literature searches. Based on the core hypotheses of the self-determination theory and applying the theoretical framework of “environment - basic psychological needs - work motivation - outcome,” we systematically analyzed and summarized the current streams and future directions of research on the causes and outcomes of work motivation. Our research reveals that employees’ basic psychological need satisfaction and autonomous motivation as intermediary variables can explain the positive impact of autonomy-supportive working environment, and employees’ individual characteristics on their work behavior, attitude, and mental health. Future research focuses that we are proposing include: (1) specific factors of controlled working environment and their impact on employees’ basic psychological need satisfaction and thwarting, controlled motivation, amotivation, work behavior, attitude, and mental health, (2) mediators and moderators of different motivation types and their effect on employee performance, behavior and attitude, and (3) impacts of external rewards, including pay and performance-based bonuses, on employees’ work motivation, basic psychological need satisfaction, performance, and mental health as well as the boundary conditions of these effects. "

  • Research on the psychological mechanism of empathy: Methodology and characteristics

    Subjects: Psychology >> Psychological Measurement submitted time 2019-03-26

    Abstract: Different methodologies have been developed and adopted in the field of empathy study, due to the lack of a clear operational definition of empathy. Integrating these methods and interpreting results from different measurement levels are important, as it would deepen our understanding of empathy and its psychological mechanisms. Until now, a lot of progress has been made on empathy research based on different methodologies, including questionnaires, behavioral paradigms, and physiological signals. However, any of the existing methodologies has its own advantages and disadvantages, and how to compile the findings at different measurement levels is still a challenging issue. Therefore, for further studies, different methodologies should be combined to achieve a comprehensive understanding of empathy, and more naturalistic paradigms should be developed to reveal the interactions among different empathic subprocesses. " " " "

  • Worth-based Choice: Giving an offered smaller pear an even greater fictional value

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-03-25

    Abstract: Choices between options represented in a multidimensional space, in which each dimension signifies a distinct attribute describing the objects, are presumably guided by the principle of value maximization (Luce, 1959). However, the current study assumes that in real-world setting, those who are able to imagine things that do not actually exist could modify the multidimensional space by self-generating an unoffered but fictional dimension. We define the utility (Uv) assigned by the decision makers to the options on the offered/given dimension as value (v[x]) and the utility (Uw) on the self-generated/ fictional dimension as worth (w[xc]). Our series of experiments demonstrated that an option with a greater value established strictly on that given set of dimensions might not necessarily be chosen (which contradicted the principle of value maximization). Such choosing option with less value (i.e., giving away the bigger pear) behavior can be described and explained by the “worth-based choice” approach as people behave to select the option with the highest worth rather than that with the highest value. We are optimistic that the resulting findings will facilitate our understanding of the beauty of such “one step further” choice and assist us in understanding the following: the ability to further generate a fictional dimension, to assign a delayed utility (worth) to the options on the fictional dimension, and to make a worth-based choice, could eventually be taken as the operational definition to measure the degree of “fiction-generating ability” as proposed by Harari (2014). "

  • Where is the Embodiment Effect? The Hierarchical Access Priority Model

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-03-25

    Abstract: There are detailed theories and abundant empirical results regarding embodied cognition. However, embodiment effects are undergoing a replication crisis. Based on the hierarchical structure of embodiment tasks and the dual process property of embodiment phenomena, we propose the hierarchical access priority model (HAP). According to HAP, the generation of embodiment effects depends on the access priority of embodied variables to unconscious processes, and embodiment effects from different hierarchy levels show a contravariant relationship between effect size and stability. Theoretically, the stability of an embodiment effect is partly determined by the hierarchy of the embodied variable, and dissociation of the dual process moderates the effect size. Empirically, the hierarchical linear model analytic method should be considered for embodied research; the embodied variable could be designed as a mediating or moderating variable, and other possible masked mediating variables should be considered. HAP offers an insightful theoretical perspective for the embodiment replication crisis.

  • Role of the human mirror system in musical emotion automatic processing: Evidence from EEG

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-03-21

    Abstract: 人类镜像系统被认为是社会认知的重要组成部分。 大脑中线电极诱发的 µ抑制波(包括 α 和 β 频段)是人类镜像系统活动的电生理指标。 尽管音乐情绪表现被认为是通过模仿个 体的心理状态来实现的,但是尚未有研究对此进行探究。 本研究通过 EEG 技术,采用跨通 道情绪启动范式, 探究人类镜像系统是否涉及和弦情绪的自动加工。 愉悦或不愉悦的和弦启动情绪一致与不一致的目标面孔。 行为结果显示,被试对情绪一致面孔的反应显著快于情绪不一致面孔的反应。 EEG 结果显示, 在听觉刺激出现后的 500~650 ms 之间, 与情绪一致条件相比,情绪不一致条件诱发了 β 频段的去同步化。在听觉刺激出现后的 300~450 ms,无论是情绪一致,还是不一致条件,都诱发了 α 频段的去同步化。 源分析结果显示, µ抑制波主要出现在人类镜像系统的核心脑区,即顶下小叶和额下回或前运动皮层。 这些结果表明,音乐情绪的自动加工与人类镜像系统的活动密切相关。

  • The effect of emotion on intertemporal choice

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2019-03-21

    Abstract: The effect of emotions on intertemporal choice has gradually become a new research trend in recent years. On the basis of the time of occurrence in the decision-making process, emotions can be classified into three categories: emotions before decision-making, emotions in decision-making, and emotions after decision-making. Currently, most of the studies on emotion and intertemporal choice, especially those on emotions before decision-making, mainly focus on revealing the phenomenon other than the underlying mechanism. Moreover, revealing the underlying mechanism of emotions on intertemporal choice from the cognitive and decision-making processes through the behavioral experiments and neuroimaging technical would help people in understanding the mechanism of intertemporal choice and in making good decisions by taking advantage of emotions. Ultimately, future research must further improve the depth and ecological validity, e.g., exploring the effect of dynamic emotions, daily emotions, or mixed emotions on intertemporal choice, and pay considerable attention to emotional interventions.

  • 情绪智力的负面效应及机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Management Psychology submitted time 2019-03-19

    Abstract: " Emotional intelligence (EI) comprises of a set of abilities related to detecting, using, understanding and managing emotion. Researches and discussions of EI have disproportionately focused on pro-social outcomes but have neglected the possibility that EI might have a dark side. EI in the workplace was negatively related to physical and mental health and job performance at the within-individual level, and led to emotional manipulation and negative behavior at the between-individual level. The internal mechanism of negative effects of EI can be analyzed by the self-depletion effect and emotional intelligence strategy model. Furthermore, we proposed a model which gave some perspective of negative effects on EI, and we also discussed the trends of future study in this field of internal mechanism and research levels. "

  • Self-choice Preference: Manifestation, Mechanism and Application

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-03-19

    Abstract: Self-choice preference refers to the fact that people always prefer self-determined choice when faced with self-selection or entrusting others to choose, even if they have to pay for this. Specifically, this phenomenon is manifested by the willingness to pay for the right of self-determined choice, regarding the right of self-determined choice as a reward, being more motivated for the self-determined choice, and preference of the self-selected outcome. This is to say, people will pay more money or make more effort to hold the right to choose firmly in their own hands, which will make them feel positive. Overconfidence, ambiguity aversion, and illusory of control are thought to be its underlying mechanism, however, it is more likely it is the intrinsic values embedded in the self-determined choice that make people prefer choosing themselves. It is mainly supported by the reward system (striatum, medial prefrontal lobe), and regulated by cognitive control system. Self-choice preference is widely used in decision-making, management, and education. Future research should further reveal its mechanism and regulatory factors under social scenarios, and explore the balance mechanism of self-choice preferences among different groups, in order to promote individual wellbeing and group interests. "

  • Do numbers have shape? The matching effect between precise numerical information and brand logo shape

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2019-03-19

    Abstract: Numerical information, such as time, temperature, prices, and product quality ratings, is widely used in our daily lives. As a representation of abstract concepts, numbers have been found to be associated with a concrete concept representation, which is spatial position. Our study enriches this line of research by exploring the association between numbers and shapes. Our study suggests that individuals may project shape information to precise or round numbers. Specifically, precise numbers (round numbers) are likely to be associated with angular shapes (circular shape). Marketing communication materials that feature angular (circular) brand logo shapes may result in favorable evaluations when the numerical information of the product is precise (round). In the present study, we conducted four experiments to test the hypotheses. Study 1 used an Implicit Association Test to examine the implicit association between numbers and shapes. A total of 39 undergraduate students participated in study 1 (19 men) and were instructed to sort a series of stimuli (numerical and shape stimuli) into two categories as quickly as possible. In compatible blocks, the two categories were “precise or angular” and “round or circular.” In incompatible blocks, the two categories were “round or angular” and “precise or circular.” Study 2 sought to investigate the marketing implications of this association. A total of 125 adults (56 men) were shown an advertisement of a quilt. The advertisement contained no other information except the brand logo and numerical information. After reading the product information, all participants were asked to indicate their product attitudes. Study 3 investigated the mediation role of processing fluency. A total of 200 adult participants (105 men) were provided with information about a laptop bag. After reading the product information, all participants were asked to indicate their product evaluation and processing fluency. Study 4 investigated the boundary effect of concept association (“precise = male” vs. “precise = female”). The procedures consisted of two phases. A total of 244 adults completed a job perception study in phase 1, where the association of the salience concept was manipulated by asking the participants to rate 10 different jobs. In phase 2, the participants were shown an advertisement of a pad and were asked to indicate their perception on the product. In studies 2–4, numerical precision was manipulated through a description of product size, price, weight, or review scores. The results of study 1 show that the participants classified compatible blocks faster than incompatible blocks. This finding supports the hypothesis that numerical precision and shapes are connected. Precise numbers were indeed associated with angular shape , whereas round numbers were associated with circular shape. The results of studies 2–4 confirm the marketing implications of the association between numbers and shapes. Marketing communications with an angular (circular) brand logo shape may result in favorable evaluations when the product numerical information is precise (round). Moreover, study 4 found the moderating effect of concept association. Consistent with the reasoning, when participants were informed with the “female= precise” association, the association between numerical precision and brand logo shape was reversed. This research contributes to the literature of numerical cognition and brand logo shape. It provides managers with guidelines on brand logo design and product numerical information setting "

  • The Implicit Advantage of a High Kindness Trait in the Action Control of Emotion Regulation

    Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2019-03-13

    Abstract: " Kindness is a desirable trait to possess, and it is therefore commendable to investigate its link with self-regulation and, in particular, emotion regulation. Implicit processes in general are much more consistent and reliable, as they are triggered automatically and run to completion without conscious effort or monitoring. Therefore, the effect of implicit emotion regulation on psychological health is more important than that of explicit cognitive behavior and ability. Based on an action control perspective, which suggests that the regulatory process for emotions usually includes three sub-tasks, in this study, a set of implicit tasks were designed to investigate the influence of the kindness trait on implicit emotion regulation among undergraduate students with different levels of kindness. The Chinese Personality Scale was used to assess level of kindness. This study surveyed 399 college students, ultimately selecting 60 participants (30 with high scores and 30 with low scores). The results showed that the high-kindness group had significantly higher scores (M = 90.57, SD = 6.17) than did the low-kindness group (M = 52.28, SD = 3.83), t (58) = 28.70, p < 0.001). A subset of participants was selected based on their kindness scores. They then completed three experimental tasks. First, an emotional Stroop task was conducted to compare the interference effect in color identification caused by emotional valence between the two groups. In this task, the experiment materials were positive and negative emotional words related to interpersonal relationships. The second task used an implicit association test of emotion regulation (ER-IAT) to assess differences in implicit attitude toward emotion regulation between the two groups. The third task was a visual face detection task, which used different expressions to determine the efficiency of implicit emotion recovery in the two groups after a negative emotion induction. The results showed that (1) in the first task, the high-kindness group had a significantly longer reaction time to words describing positive interpersonal relationships than to negative words (p = 0.02). In contrast, the low-kindness participants did not show any difference in reaction times to the two types of words (p = 0.4). (2) In the second task, the high-kindness group had a significantly higher D value (0.34 ± 0.64) than did the low-kindness group (-0.30 ± 0.68), t(54) = 3.64, p = 0.001. (3) In the third task, although the explicit emotion changes did not differ significantly between the two groups at any time point (all p > 0.05), the reaction times for the high-kindness participants were significantly shorter than those for the low-kindness participants in the visual face search tasks using happy-angry combination matrixes (p = 0.01). This study presented the link between the personality trait of kindness and implicit emotional responses according to action control theory. These results suggested that (1) the emotional valence of words only interferes with the reaction times of high-kindness participants’ color judgment, and a more significant Stroop interference effect was only found for positive valence words. (2) High-kindness individuals were more inclined to demonstrate a positive implicit attitude in emotion regulation and preferred a deliberate, appropriate control of emotions. In contrast, the low-kindness individuals were more inclined toward a negative implicit attitude towards emotion regulation and preferred a direct expression of emotions. (3) The high-kindness individuals shifted their attention away from angry faces more quickly and had greater implicit emotion regulation ability. This study provided experimental evidence that there was an advantage for kindness traits with regard to implicit emotion regulation.

  • 接纳承诺疗法的作用机制——基于元分析结构方程模型

    Subjects: Psychology >> Clinical and Counseling Psychology submitted time 2019-03-13

    Abstract: Following the Behavioral Therapy and the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is considered as one of the third wave of behavioral therapies. ACT is based on the relational frame theory, and its therapeutic model includes 6 components (i.e., acceptance, cognitive defusion, self-as-context, committed action, contact with the present moment, values) and psychological flexibility. What is the empirical evidence for these hypothesized components or mechanisms? In recent years, integrating meta-analysis and structural equation modeling, the meta-analytic structural equation model (MASEM) has made it possible to systematically examine the mechanisms of psychotherapy. Compared to the traditional single randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, the MASEM combines multiple samples to increase statistical power and obtain more robust model estimates. The current study utilized two-stage structural equation modeling (TSSEM) to examine three aspects of the mechanisms of ACT, including: (1) the mediational effects of psychological flexibility and the 6 components, (2) the unique mechanisms of ACT compared to CBT, and (3) the generalizability of these mechanisms to internet-based ACT interventions. Studies were identified by searching Web of science, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, Pubmed, Elsevier, EBSCO, Wiley Online Library from the first available date until November, 2017. We used the search term Acceptance and Commitment Therapy combined with acceptance, cognitive defusion, self-as-context, committed action, contact with the present moment, values, or psychological flexibility. Selection criteria included: (1) adult sample (age > 18), (2) RCT or quasi-experimental design, which measured pre-post change with ACT interventions, (3) quantitative measures of psychological outcomes (clinical or non-clinical) before and after treatment, and (4) quantitative measures of mediational variables at pre and post treatment. Excluding criteria were (1) not having a control group, (2) mixed intervention studies, which integrated ACT with other interventions, or included the Acceptance component but not the complete ACT model, or used CBT with the Acceptance component, and (3) medication treatment as the control group. The metaSEM package in R was used for the TSSEM analysis to examine the mechanisms of ACT. The literature search resulted in 50 studies, involving issues such as pain disorder, personality disorder, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and work-related burnout among healthy populations. Most studies examined psychological flexibility (k = 39), followed by contact with the present moment (k = 14), acceptance (k = 6), cognitive defusion (k = 9), and values (k = 5), whereas the studies of self-as-context (k = 1) and committed action (k = 1) were excluded from further MASEM analysis due to a low number of publications. Results indicated that (1) the mediational effects of psychological flexibility, acceptance, contact with the present moment, and values were significant, while the effects of cognitive defusion were not significant, (2) the mechanisms of ACT are evident in internet-based interventions, suggesting the generalizability of these mechanisms, and (3) compared to the traditional CBT, the hypothesized mechanisms of ACT have their unique advantages. Implications for future studies: (1) measure all 6 core mechanisms as comprehensively as possible; (2) focus more on the increase of wellbeing as opposed to improvement of symptoms; (3) use RCT based multiple measurements combined with the experience sampling method; and (4) apply more advanced statistical methods in addition to the traditional mediation statistics.

  • The Neighborhood Effect of Semantic and Phonetic Radicals in Phonogram Recognition

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-03-12

    Abstract: Phonograms are comprised of a semantic radical and a phonetic radical. The semantic radical usually implies the meaning of a character, while the phonetic radical offers a phonetic clue for the pronunciation of a character. Prior research has indicated that semantic and phonetic radicals each play an important role in phonogram cognition. However, the way in which the 2 kinds of radicals combine to influence both phonogram recognition and the activation process remains a controversial topic. Neighborhood size is one of the most important characteristics of radicals. The differences induced by the neighborhood size of radicals are called neighborhood effects. Prior studies employed various methods to investigate the roles of semantic and phonetic radicals on phonogram recognition and discovered that phonetic radicals have an advantage in phonogram processing. They also found that the neighborhood size of semantic radicals regulated the relative contributions of semantic and phonetic radicals. However, most of these researchers investigated the roles of semantic and phonetic radicals respectively. Only a few investigators have focused on the comprehensive role of semantic and phonetic radicals in character processing. This study attempted to investigate the comprehensive effect of semantic and phonetic radicals on phonogram recognition. Participants’ brain responses were recorded using event-related brain potentials. Four types of characters were selected: HH (phonogram comprised of a high-frequency semantic radical and a high-frequency phonetic radical), HL (phonogram comprised of a high-frequency semantic radical and a low-frequency phonetic radical), LL (phonogram comprised of a low-frequency semantic radical and a low-frequency phonetic radical), and LH (phonogram comprised of a low-frequency semantic radical and a high-frequency phonetic radical). A lexical decision task was adopted; the frequency of the entire character and the number of strokes were equivalent for all groups. The results showed that, for characters with high-frequency semantic radicals (HH and HL), the characters with high-frequency phonetic radicals (HH) elicited a larger P200 waveform component than the characters with low-frequency phonetic radicals (HL). However, for characters with low-frequency semantic radicals (LH and LL), there was no significant difference between the characters with high-frequency phonetic radicals (LH) and those with low-frequency phonetic radicals (LL). Characters with high-frequency phonetic radicals (HH and LH) elicited a larger N400 component than those with low-frequency phonetic radicals (HL and LL), and the N400 differences induced by the neighborhood size of phonetic radicals with high-frequency semantic radicals (HH and HL) were larger than those induced by characters with low-frequency semantic radicals (LH and LL). These results indicate that in the early stage of phonogram recognition, the neighborhood effect of phonetic radicals is regulated by the neighborhood size of semantic radicals. In the late stage of phonogram recognition, the higher the frequency of phonetic radicals, the stronger the semantic activation degree of the character. In general, the neighborhood size of phonetic radicals was found to affect vocabulary accessibility. However, the effect of the neighborhood size of phonetic radicals is regulated by the neighborhood size of semantic radicals. "

  • The effect of moral emotions on the metaphorical mapping of morality and its neural mechanism

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2019-03-11

    Abstract: The processing of moral metaphors is essentially a dynamic process of mapping a concrete source domain with sensorimotor experience to an abstract target domain and representing abstract moral concepts. And it should also be regarded as a result of interactive activity amid physical experience and moral emotions. Researches on the neural mechanism of moral metaphors showed that physical and emotional experience influence the processing of moral metaphors, and discussed the effects of moral emotions on the metaphorical mapping of morality. Future researches should enrich the range of subject and directions of mapping, and improve the ecological validity and cross-cultural validity by modifying the experimental paradigms in social interactions.

  • Assessment for learning oriented longitudinal cognitive diagnosis models

    Subjects: Psychology >> Psychological Measurement submitted time 2019-03-09

    Abstract: Based on the idea of “assessment for learning" and aiming at promoting students' learning, the assessment pattern of objectively quantifying the learning status and providing diagnostic feedback has been increasingly valued. Compared with the cross-sectional cognitive diagnostic assessment, the longitudinal cognitive diagnostic assessment is more conducive to achieving the goal of promoting students' development. In order to make domestic scholars systematically understanding of the longitudinal cognitive diagnosis model (CDM), we first divided the existing longitudinal CDM into two types according to the modeling logic: one is based on the latent transition analysis and another one is based on the higher-order latent structural model. Then, the theoretical basis and application scenarios of each model are introduced and explained one by one. Finally, four future research topics are concluded. " "

  • The effects of capacity load and resolution load on visual selective attention during visual working memory

    Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2019-03-08

    Abstract: Selective attention plays an important role in processing relevant information and ignoring irrelevant distractors. The relationship between visual working memory (VWM) and visual selective attention has been extensively studied. VWM is a complex system consisting of not only visual maintenance functions, but also executive control functions. High load on visual maintenance functions drains the capacity for perception and prevents distractors from being perceived, while high load on executive control functions drains the capacity available for active control and results in increased processing of irrelevant distractors. There are two types of load in VWM: capacity load referring to the number of items to be stored, and resolution load emphasizing the precision of the stored representations. It has been found that these two types of load exert opposite effects on selective attention. However the mechanism underlying the effects of different types of VWM load on selective attention is still unclear. In the present study, four experiments were designed to investigate how different types of VWM load affect selective attention. Thirty-six participants were enrolled in Experiment 1, 2 and 3, respectively, and 14 participants were enrolled in Experiment 4. Participants were asked to perform both a VWM task and a visual search task. In the VWM task, participants had to retain colors in VWM to perform a change detection task. There were three levels of VWM load: baseline load, high-capacity load and high-resolution load. In the baseline load condition, participants were required to retain two colors and the change between the memory colors and the probe colors was large. In the high-capacity load condition, participants had to retain four colors and the change between the memory colors and the probe colors was also large. In the high-resolution load condition, participants had to retain two colors and the change between the memory colors and the probe colors was small. In Experiment 1 and 2, the visual search task was a Flanker task that was presented either in the periphery or in the center of the memory array. The Flanker task was presented with the memory array simultaneously in Experiment 1 and sequentially in Experiment 2. In Experiment 3, the visual search task was a Navon task. It was presented after the memory array and only in the center of the memory array. In Experiment 4, a Flanker task was presented after the memory array and only in the center of the memory array. EEG data during the memory interval were recorded by a 64-channel amplifier using a standard 10-20 system. The results showed that high-capacity load and high-resolution load reduced Flanker interference, compared with baseline load, when the VWM task and the Flanker task were presented simultaneously, regardless of whether the Flanker task was presented in the periphery or in the center of the memory array. High-capacity load and high-resolution load also reduced Flanker interference, compared with baseline load, when the VWM task and the Flanker task were presented sequentially and the Flanker task was presented in the periphery of the memory array. Compared with baseline load, high-capacity load increased Flanker interference and high-resolution load reduced Flanker interference when the VWM task and the Flanker task were presented sequentially and the Flanker task was presented in the center of the memory array. Under the high-capacity load condition, the Navon interference for attending to global level was larger than that for attending to local level; under the high-resolution load condition, the Navon interference for attending to global level was smaller than that for attending to local level. ERP results showed that relative to the baseline load condition, the high-capacity load condition elicited smaller N2, whereas the high-resolution load condition elicited larger N2. In conclusion, when the Flanker task is presented during encoding stage of VWM, high-capacity load and high-resolution load reduce interference. When the Flanker task is presented in the periphery of the memory array during maintaining stage of VWM, high-capacity load and high-resolution load reduce interference. These findings support the load theory of selective attention. However, when the Flanker task is presented in the center of the memory array during the maintenance stage, high-capacity load and high-resolution load lead to opposite effects. High-resolution load reduce interference, while high-capacity load increase interference. The underlying mechanism is that the different patterns of neural activity associated with the two types of VWM load may result in different distribution of cognitive control resources to selective attention.

  • 匹配记忆效应:姓名-面孔刻板印象一致性对再认的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2019-03-04


  • 网络欺负中的旁观者行为

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2019-03-02

    Abstract: Bystanders in cyberbullying refers to “the individuals who witness bullying events online”. The behaviors of bystanders after witnessing bullying can be divided into two types – prosocial behaviors and antisocial behaviors. There are factors that influence bystander’s behaviors which include their personality traits (impulsiveness, extroversion and openness), psychological factors (empathy, self-efficacy, social support and loneliness), the degree of self-disclosure of bullied individuals, and their relationship in the ecological environment, etc. Bystander intervention model, moral disengagement and bystander effect can explain bystander reactions after they witness the cases of cyberbullying. Future studies may make further explorations from the perspectives of cognition, brain mechanism, cross-cultural practices and the constructions of network environment.

  • Bayesian multiple-group analysis: approximate measurement invariance

    Subjects: Psychology >> Statistics in Psychology submitted time 2019-03-01

    Abstract: Measurement invariance (MI) is a pre-requisite for comparison between groups under the framework of latent variables. But in traditional multi-group factor analysis, scalar invariance is almost unachievable in practice. The Bayesian approximate MI proposed by Muthén and Asparouhov (2013) compensates for this limitation to some extent by providing a zero-mean, small-variance prior for the differences in measurement parameters. It allows for small differences between groups and avoids the problem caused by strict restrictions in classical method, such as poor model fitting, awkward model modifications and higher Type I error rate. These strengths make this new approach a more suitable method in the practical research. Throughout the paper we summarized the principles and advantages of the approximate MI approach, and a real data set was analyzed to demonstrate the validity and practical usefulness of this approach using Mplus. "

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