• Communication within a Dyadic System

    分类: 心理学 >> 心理学其他学科 分类: 心理学 >> 临床与咨询心理学 提交时间: 2023-05-05

    摘要: The body, unconsciousness, and consciousness can be considered three stages of evolutionary mind from a phylogenetic perspective, which can be further framed as three hierarchies of mind based on dynamic systems theory. These three hierarchies interact via intrapersonal information flow, working in tandem to manage an individual well. Within a dyadic system, two minds with multiple hierarchies can interact through several basic communication forms (i.e., body-to-body, body-to-unconsciousness, body-to-consciousness, unconsciousness-to-unconsciousness, unconsciousness-to-consciousness, and consciousness-to-consciousness) based on interpersonal information flow. In actual exchanges, these forms are blended and become richer due to intrapersonal information flow. In psychoanalytic therapy, analysts should focus on intrapersonal information flow to enhance patients self-regulation while emphasizing therapistpatient interaction to execute mutual regulation. Overall, the therapistpatient and motherinfant interaction constitutes a complex communication process.

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