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  • 不同道德领域对面孔来源记忆效果的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2018-09-15

    Abstract: 对他人的道德品行信息的了解,有助于个体在社会中寻找潜在的合作者并且规避潜在损失。正是由于道德品行信息的重要性,人们可能对他人道德品行相关的信息进行优先加工。基于道德基础理论,本研究探索了伤害道德和纯洁道德领域的积极与消极信息对面孔记忆的影响。32名被试首先学习与不同道德信息相联系的中性男性面孔24张,其中道德信息包括(道德领域:伤害/关爱领域和神圣/纯洁领域)×2(效价:积极和消极)这4个维度。暂短的算术分心任务之后,被试进行面孔再认记忆和来源记忆的测试。结果表明,在来源记忆效果上,纯洁道德领域相匹配的面孔可能优于与伤害道德领域相匹配的面孔。这个结果可能说明不同道德行为可能会对面孔记忆有不同的影响,纯洁领域的信息可能因为具有更强烈的情绪而让人们对面孔记忆更加深刻。作为一个探索性的研究,本实验的结论需要进一步的研究进行验证。

  • Multinomial Processing Tree Models and Their Application in Social Psychology

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2018-01-17

    Abstract: Understanding the psychological processes and mechanisms behind social behaviors is one of the most important goals of social psychology. Psychologists have proposed many theoretical models to explain people’s social behaviors. It is still, however, difficult to quantify the contribution of hypothesized psychological processes to a specific behaviour. Recently, social psychologist introduced multinomial processing tree (MPT) models to dissociate different processes and quantify the contributions of each hypothesized process to behaviors. MPT, which combined knowledge from cognitive psychology, statistics, and other related disciplines, is a simple and effective way to model behavioural data. In these models, different hypothesized psychological processes take the external stimuli as input and determine the behavioural outcomes in a tree-like manner. More specifically, each stimulus was first processed by a hypothetical psychological process (i.e., a branch with certain probability), which results in a binary outcome (i.e., a point): either a behavioural response (i.e., a resulting behavior), or an intermediate outcome that will be determined further by a downstream psychological process (i.e., another branch, with a different probability) until behavioural outputs were produced. In this way, each behavioural output can be viewed as the combination of the processes before it, while the sum of all the behavioural output to a specific stimulus sum up to one. By fitting the behavioral data to multiple nominal formulas, the probability of each psychological process can be estimated. Given that the psychological processes in MPT models need to be specified, researchers should construct the model structure before using the model. After the model structure is specified, researchers also need to fit the model with behavioral data and test the goodness-of-fit. Researchers need further validate the model and its parameters based on theory, only after validation, the model can be regarded as an acceptable model for such question. Then, the validated models can be used to generate and test new hypotheses. Although the logic behind the MPT model is easy to understand, the estimation of parameter-estimation and goodness-of-fit test often require massive computation that could hardly be finished by hand. Therefore, several computer programs (e.g. multitree, treeBugs) were developed, to simplify the calculating procedure. These user-friendly programs make the MPT models more accessible to social psychologists. By now, MPT models have been applied in many areas of social psychology, such as attitude, stereotype acquisition etc. Recently, MPT models were applied to moral decision-making. For instance, Gawronski et al. (2017) built the CNI (consequence, norm, inaction preference) model based on MPT model. The CNI model can dissociate the contributions of consequences, norm, and inaction preference, therefore, extended previous studies on moral decision making by considering the possibility that moral decision-making can be motivated by both utilitarian and deontological motivations simultaneously, or neither of both. Using CNI model, Gawronski et al. (2017) tested the effect of gender, cognitive load, framework effect and psychopathy on moral decision-making. It becomes increasingly clear that MPT models can serve as a tool for dissociating and quantifying the psychological processes underlying human behaviors. However, it is noteworthy that MPT models require clear assumptions about psychological processes and corresponding outcomes, this pre-request should be carefully checked before use. In addition, although MPT models fit well with many behavioral results, the neural correlates of the assumed psychological processes in MPT models are largely unknown, further studies are needed to explore and validate the neural basis of these models. Finally, MPT models might increase the research flexibilities, which might cause false positive results. Thus, researchers should keep transparent of their analysis and decision process when applying MPT to their own research questions.

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