您选择的条件: Christos Pantelis
  • A Meta-Analysis of Mental Time Travel Impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorders

    分类: 心理学 >> 医学心理学 提交时间: 2019-11-05

    摘要: Individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have a wide range of cognitive impairments. Mental time travel (MTT) is the ability to mentally re-experience past events and pre-experience possible future events. Studies have shown MTT impairments in individuals with ASD, however, these findings may be confounded by a number of factors including verbal ability to report MTT, factors related to MTT task and demographic factors of participants. The present study provided a meta-analysis on MTT deficits in individuals with ASD and examined the potential moderating variables for these impairments. Twenty-six studies were included, and the participants comprised 667 individuals with ASD and 671 healthy controls. Results showed significant overall MTT impairments (Cohen’s d = −0.95) in individuals with ASD. Moderator and meta-regression analyses revealed that verbal IQ was significantly related to MTT impairments; type of MTT, type of task, measurement indices of MTT, age of participants, gender ratio and full IQ did not explain the MTT impairments. These findings suggest that MTT is severely impaired in individuals with ASD, verbal IQ contributed to MTT impairments, and task characteristics did not affect the degree of impairments.

  • 运营单位: 中国科学院文献情报中心
  • 制作维护:中国科学院文献情报中心知识系统部
  • 邮箱: eprint@mail.las.ac.cn
  • 地址:北京中关村北四环西路33号
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