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  • 外源性注意与多感觉整合的交互关系

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: The interaction between exogenous attention and multisensory integration is a complex and controversial topic, which has been debated for a long time. In order to explain the interaction mechanism between them, here we summarized two parts based on previous researches. First, exogenous attention can modulate multisensory integration in a bottom-up manner, including three hypotheses as spatial uncertainty, sensory sensitivity and the differences in unimodal signal strength. Second, multisensory integration can also modulate exogenous attention. On one hand, stimuli from multiple sense modalities can be automatically integrated in a bottom-up manner. The integrated multisensory events can capture attention more efficiently compared to unimodal events, even under quite complex circumstances. On the other hand, integrated multisensory events exert top-down control on attentional capture via multisensory signal templates that are stored in the brain.

  • 多感觉整合中的声音诱发闪光错觉效应

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2023-03-28 Cooperative journals: 《心理科学进展》

    Abstract: Sound-induced Flash Illusion (SiFI) is an auditory-dominated multisensory integration phenomenon that occurs when flashes presented in conjunction with an incongruent number of auditory sounds results in the flashes being perceived as equal in number to the auditory sounds. Here we summarize several factors that could impact on SiFI: (1) Bottom-up variance factors comprising physical properties (i.e., spatial characteristics of stimuli, differences in stimulus intensity, and time interval between audiovisual stimuli), top-down variance factors comprisingcognitive processes (i.e., attention, feedback patterns, and cognitive expectations), and between-subjects variance factors, such as the dependence for audiovisual stimuli, the ability to integrate audiovisual stimuli, and perceptual sensitivity to audiovisual stimuli; (2) Cognitive processing stages and neural mechanisms of SiFI (i.e., related brain regions). Future studies should focus on the effects of cognitive processes such as attention, reward, audiovisual integration on SiFI. The effects of SiFI on memory and learning should also be explored in future research. In addition, future studies combining computational models and neuroscience should further explore the cognitive and neural mechanisms of SiFI.

  • 初级视觉皮层在注意振荡中的作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: It has been well documented that the spotlight of attention is intrinsically rhythmic, which discretely samples a single or multiple objects. Adopting high resolution behavioral approach, attention oscillation has been revealed. However, neural mechanism of attention oscillation remains poorly understood. In the present study, basing on functional anatomy of the primary visual cortex, we aimed to investigate the role of primary visual cortex (V1) in attention oscillation, by using a modified high temporal resolution cue-target paradigm in a 4AFC task. In the present study, behavioral oscillations in visual attention under ordinary (binocular; not dichoptic) viewing condition (exp. 1) and binocular dichoptic (exp. 2) condition were examined. In experiment 1, 16 paid participants were asked to detect target at either the previously cued (valid condition) or uncued location (invalid condition). The cue-target SOA varied from 0.1 s to 1.08 s in steps of 20 ms. Performances were evaluated in a 4AFC task. If they saw target, they were instructed to judge the location of the target (1 for target on the upper left; 2 for upper right; 4 for lower left; 5 for lower right) on the keypad. While, 16 paid participants were recruited to detect target at either cued or uncued locations under binocular dichoptic condition. Target could occur in the same or different eye of cue stimuli. Amplitude of target contrast decrement was determined with QUEST procedure before cue-target experiment. Except that no cue stimuli were presented, threshold procedure was identical to the cue-target experiment procedure. Results showed that when grating locations were presented under ordinary viewing condition, a theta rhythm was visible. While targets were presented in the same or different eye under binocular dichoptic condition, attention oscillation was clearly seen at 12.5 Hz with antiphase relationship between cued and uncued conditions. The findings under ordinary viewing condition are in general consistent with previous studies. While, under binocular dichoptic condition, attention oscillation increased to a higher frequency. This study indicates that attention oscillation may occur at or beyond primary visual cortex where binocular integration begins.

  • 不同SOA下视觉返回抑制对视听觉整合的调节作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Both audiovisual integration and inhibition of return (IOR) can facilitate the processing of sensory information, such as enhancing the perceptual processing. Previous studies found that IOR decreased the audiovisual integration at previously attended locations. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the effect of IOR on audiovisual integration: perceptual sensitivity, spatial uncertainty, and differences in unimodal signal strength. In present study, we used cue-target paradigm and manipulated the SOA conditions (400~600 ms vs. 1000~1200 ms) to investigate how audiovisual integration would be modulated by IOR induced by visual exogenous spatial cues.The current study was a 2 (SOA conditions: 400~600 ms, 1000~1200 ms) × 3 (target modalities: visual, auditory, audiovisual) × 2 (cue validities: cued, uncued) factorial design. Twenty-seven undergraduate students were recruited as paid volunteers from a university. The visual (V) target was a red and white block (1°×1°). The auditory (A) target (duration of 100 ms) was a 1000 Hz sinusoidal tone presented by speakers. The audiovisual (AV) target was composed by the simultaneous presentation of both the visual and the auditory stimuli. At the beginning of each trial, the fixation stimulus was presented for 800~1000 ms in the center of the display. Following the fixation stimulus, a visual white square served as a exogenous cue was presented for 50 ms at the left or right location randomly. Then, the fixation stimulus was randomly presented for 150~250/450~550 ms, which was followed by a central cue with a delay of 50 ms. Before the target (100 ms) occurrence, the fixation stimulus randomly appeared again for 150~250/450~550 ms. Thus, the SOA between the peripheral cue and the target was completed in 400~600/1000~1200 ms. The target (A, V, or AV) randomly appeared (6/7) for 100 ms in the left or right locations, or no stimulus appeared (1/7). During the experiment, participants were instructed to respond to the target stimulus at any possible locations by pressing a response button as quickly and accurately as possible.The results showed that the responses to AV targets were faster than V or A targets, indicating the appearance of the bimodal advancement effect. A smaller magnitude of audiovisual IOR as compared to visual IOR was found whether it’s in short or long SOA conditions. In addition, visual IOR effect was significantly reduced under the long SOA condition compared with the short SOA condition while the audiovisual integration effect increased by SOA. The results of the relative multisensory response enhancement (rMRE), race model (probability difference) and positive area under the curve (pAUC) showed that audiovisual integration decreased at cued compared to uncued locations under the short SOA condition but not the long SOA condition. Based on the aforementioned findings, it is assumed that visual IOR decreased the audiovisual integration in the short SOA, and audiovisual integration would be modulated by different SOA conditions. The current result supported the hypothesis of differences in unimodal signal strength.

  • 双通道分配性注意对视听觉返回抑制的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Inhibition of return (IOR) has been greatly explored in the visual or auditory modality. Investigations on spatial IOR even have extended to the cross-modal link between visual and auditory information processing. The present study examined the generation and variation of IOR effects when targets from the visual and auditory modalities were presented simultaneously (audiovisual targets). In addition, it explored the effect of bimodal divided attention on IOR with audiovisual targets by directing the attention to different modality to form two conditions of attention. The present study consisted of 3 experiments. In these experiments, we mainly manipulated the target modalities (including visual, auditory, and audiovisual modalities) and cue validities (including cued, neutral, uncued). Thirty-seven college students in Liaoning province were recruited in Exp. 1. The visual (V) target was white horizontal square wave grating (4° × 4°; the spatial frequency was 1 cycle/degree), the auditory (A) target (duration of 100 ms) was a 1000 Hz sinusoidal tone presented by the speakers. The audiovisual (AV) target was composed by the simultaneous presentation of both the visual and the auditory stimuli. During the experiment the fixation stimulus was presented for 800~1000 ms in the center of the monitor. Following the fixation stimulus, uninformative exogenous visual spatial cues were presented between 400~600 ms prior to the onset of targets for 100 ms at the left or right location. Then, the probability of the target (A, V, or AV) appeared for 100 ms in the center was 0.6 (No-go trials), the probability of the target may occur on left or right location was 0.2 (Go trials). The participants were instructed to pay attention to both V and A modalities, then respond to the target stimulus in the left or right location by pressing the response button as quickly and accurately as possible. Thirty-two college students were recruited in Exp. 2. The auditory stimuli were unattended and presented peripherally. Thirty-nine college students were recruited in Exp. 3. The auditory stimuli were unattended and presented centrally, the others were identical to that in Exp. 2. Based on the results of accuracy (ACC), it can be seen that the overall ACC was very high in Exp. 1. The mean ACC of AV targets was significantly higher than to either V or A targets. According to the results of reaction times (RTs), the mean RT of AV targets were significantly faster than to either V or A targets as expected, indicating the appearance of the bimodal advancement effect. For V targets, the RTs in the cued condition were slower than those in the uncued condition, demonstrated a typical IOR effect. There weren’t IOR effect elicited by AV targets when paying attention to both V and A modalities (Exp. 1). From the results of the relative amount of multisensory response enhancement (rMRE), we found a larger rMRE in the cued condition than that in the uncued condition. In Exp. 2 and Exp. 3, we found the comparable IOR with V and AV targets when the simultaneous auditory stimuli were unattended and presented peripherally or centrally. In addition, we found the comparable rMRE with V and AV targets when the simultaneous auditory stimuli were unattended and presented peripherally or centrally. These results suggested that the IOR effect elicited by AV targets was reduced when paying attention to multiple modalities. However, when auditory stimuli were unattended, there was no difference between the visual and audiovisual IOR effects. Based on the aforementioned findings, it indicated that bimodal divided attention can influence IOR with audiovisual targets.

  • 内源性空间线索有效性对视听觉整合的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Previous studies usually used the instruction to control the attention of the participants to different spatial locations to investigate the influence of endogenous spatial attention on the audiovisual integration, which found that endogenous spatial attention enhanced audiovisual integration. However, in reality, it is difficult to assign attention in an all-or-none manner. In present study, we used endogenous spatial cue-target paradigm to investigate the effect of endogenous spatial cue validity on audiovisual integration.The current study was a 2 (cue validities: valid, invalid) � 3 (target modalities: visual, auditory, audiovisual) factorial design. A total of 62 undergraduate students were recruited as paid volunteers. Experiment 1 recruited 35 participants (5 males; age range: 18~26 years; mean age: 21.26 � 1.77 years). Experiment 2 recruited 27 participants (6 males; age range: 19~25 years; mean age: 22.19 � 1.75 years). The visual (V) target was a white pentagonal asterisk block (2白2�). The auditory (A) target was a 1600 Hz sinusoidal tone presented by speakers. The audiovisual (AV) target was composed by the simultaneous presentation of both the visual and the auditory stimuli. At the beginning of each trial, the fixation stimulus was presented for 600~800 ms in the center of the monitor. Following the fixation stimulus, the cue was presented for 200 ms, which could predict (50% or 80%) the location of the target. Before the target that appeared for 100 ms, the inter stimulus interval (ISI) lasted for 700 ms. The target (A, V, or AV) randomly appeared for 100 ms in the left or right locations. At last, the fixation stimuli appeared for 600 ms to wait for the correspondence responses to targets. During the experiment, the participants were asked to locate targets by pressing buttons (F/J) as quickly and accurately as possible. The results showed that the responses to AV targets were faster than V or A targets, indicating the appearance of the bimodal advancement effect in both experiments. Each target modality showed significant cueing effect. And the cueing effect in experiment 2 was significantly larger than the cueing effect in experiment 1. In addition, in experiment 1, relative multisensory response enhancement (rMRE), race model (probability difference) showed no significant difference at valid compared to invalid locations. However, in experiment 2, rMRE and race model (probability difference) increased at valid compared to invalid locations. The results suggested that endogenous spatial attention enhanced audiovisual integration in high spatial validity condition. In summary, Endogenous spatial attention had different effects on the audiovisual integration under different spatial cue validity. High spatial cue validity enhanced audiovisual integration. The current study provides direct behavioral evidence for endogenous spatial attention to enhance audiovisual integration.

  • 视听时、空一致性对Pip-and-Pop效应的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Previous studies usually used the dynamic visual search paradigm to explore the Pip-and-Pop effect, which suggests that the Pip-and-Pop effect is influenced by multiple factors. But the impact of temporal and spatial consistency of audiovisual stimuli on the Pip-and-Pop effect is still controversial. In the present study, we applied the eye movement technology to the dynamic visual search paradigm to systematically investigate the impact of temporal and spatial consistency of audiovisual stimuli on the Pip-and-Pop effect. Based on the results of previous studies, we expected that the spatial and temporal consistency of audiovisual modulated the Pip-and-Pop effect. The more consistent the spatial location of audiovisual stimuli are, the greater the Pip-and-Pop effect will be. The more consistent the temporal audiovisual stimuli are, the greater the Pip-and-Pop effect will be. Experiment 1 was a 3 (set sizes: 36, 48, 60) � 4 (spatial consistency conditions: ipsilateral, contralateral, bilateral, no sound) within-subjects design, recruited 24 participants (5 males; age range: 19~28 years; mean age: 22.5 � 2.3 years). The visual search displays consisted of 24, 36, or 48 red (13.9 cd/m2) or green (46.4 cd/m2) line segments (0.57白0.17�) on a black (0.4 cd/m2) background. The auditory stimulus was 1000 Hz pure tone (65 dB, 60 ms, including 5 ms fade-in and 5 ms fade-out time), presented through speakers on the left and right sides behind the screen. Each trial started with a drift calibration point. The drift calibration point would not disappear until the participant gazed upon this point. This was followed by a central fixation point of 1000ms, and finally a search screen. The participants were required to find the target line segment and judge whether the target line segment was vertical or horizontal by pressing the key (Z key or M key) as quickly and accurately as possible. Experiment 2 was a 2 (set sizes: 36, 60) � 6 (temporal consistency conditions: -200 ms, -100 ms, 0 ms, 100 ms, 200 ms, no sound) within-subjects design, recruited 27 participants (5 males; age range: 18~25 years; mean age: 20.7 � 2.4 years). These temporal consistency conditions represent the tone sounded before (-200, -100 ms), simultaneous with (0 ms), or after (100, 200 ms) the visual target event. The tone could also be absent (no sound). The experimental materials and procedures of Experiment 2 were identical to those in Experiment1. Regarding the results in Experiment 1, compared with the baseline condition (no sound), the search response time was the shortest under the condition of ipsilateral, the mean fixation number was the least, and the mean saccade amplitude was the smallest, indicating that the search efficiency was the highest in the ipsilateral condition, the Pip-and-Pop effect was the largest in the ipsilateral condition. The bilateral condition was the second. The contralateral condition showed no significant difference in the above indicators compared with the no sound condition, indicating that no Pip-and-Pop effect was found in the contralateral condition. The results showed that the more consistent the spatial location of audiovisual stimuli were, the greater the Pip-and-Pop effect was. In Experiment 2, compared with the no sound condition, we found that the response time of the search was significantly shorter, the mean fixation number in search decreased, the mean saccade amplitude increased, and the mean fixation duration became longer under the conditions of 0 ms, -100 ms and 100 ms. Compared with the no sound condition, conditions -200 ms and 200 ms showed no significant difference in the above indicators. This indicated that the conditions of 0 ms, -100 ms and 100 ms produced the Pip-and-Pop effect, and the Pip-and-Pop effect was the largest under the condition of 0ms, while the Pip-and-Pop effect did not find under the condition of -200 ms and 200 ms. The results showed that the more consistent the temporal audiovisual stimuli were, the greater the Pip-and-Pop effect was. In summary, the results showed that the more consistent the audiovisual stimuli were in space and time, the larger the Pip-and-Pop effect was. Therefore, the findings in the present study suggest that the temporal and spatial consistency of audiovisual stimuli modulates the Pip-and-Pop effect. The results provide evidence that the reason for the Pip-and-Pop effect is multisensory integration.

  • 内源性空间线索有效性对老年人视听觉整合的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Audiovisual integration is the integration of visual and auditory information into a unified, coherent and stable perceptual process. Although endogenous spatial attention can promote audiovisual integration in youth, studies have found differences in endogenous spatial attention between older adults and youth. It is unclear how endogenous spatial attention affects audiovisual integration in older adults and how audiovisual integration differs between older adults and young adults under endogenous spatial attention conditions. In this study, using the endogenous cue-target paradigm, three experiments investigated how endogenous spatial attention affects the audiovisual integration of elderly individuals under 50% (Experiment 1), 70% (Experiment 2), and 90% (Experiment 3) conditions.A mixed 2 (participant type: elderly vs. young) � 2 (cue type: valid cue vs. invalid cue) � 3 (target stimulus type: A vs. V vs. AV) experimental design was used. The visual stimulus was a 2� � 2� red (RGB: 234, 86, 97) and yellow (RGB: 247, 200, 125) intersecting meta-pattern, the auditory stimulus was a 1600 Hz, 60 dB sinusoidal tone presented by ear headphones, and the audiovisual stimulus was visual and auditory stimuli presented simultaneously on the same side. The gaze screen was presented for 500 ms, followed by a cue screen for 200 ms. The cue was an arrow pointing left or right. After a time interval of 600 ms, the target stimulus (A vs. V vs. AV) was presented in a box on the left or right side for 100 ms. Before the experiment, participants were informed that the cue validity was 50% for Experiment 1, 70% for Experiment 2, and 90% for Experiment 3 and were asked to judge the orientation of the target stimulus and to press the (N/M) key quickly and accurately.From the reaction time results, it is clear that the reaction time of elderly people is significantly slower than that of younger people. From the relative amount of multisensory response enhancement (rMRE) and race model results, we can see that (1) audiovisual integration was weaker in older adults than in younger adults regardless of cue validity; (2) at 50% cue validity (Experiment 1), audiovisual integration in the valid cue condition was not significantly different from that in the invalid cue condition for both older and younger adults; (3) at 70% cue validity (Experiment 2), audiovisual integration in the valid cue condition was not significantly different from that in the invalid cue condition for older adults, and audiovisual integration in the valid cue condition was significantly higher than that in the invalid cue condition for younger adults; and (4) at 90% cue validity (Experiment 3), audiovisual integration in the valid cue condition was significantly higher than that in the invalid cue condition for both older and younger adults.Endogenous spatial attention had different moderating effects on audiovisual integration in older adults under different cue validity conditions and could promote audiovisual integration in older adults under high cue validity conditions. The findings further support the spatial uncertainty hypothesis and deepen the understanding of the interaction between endogenous attention and audiovisual integration.

  • 内外源性空间注意对多感觉整合的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2023-03-27 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Attention effect has been greatly explored in multisensory integration. Previous studies found that endogenous spatial attention enhanced multisensory integration, while exogenous spatial attention decreased multisensory integration. However, there is no research integrates two kinds of spatial attention into the multisensory integration. In present study, we used endogenous-exogenous spatial cue target paradigm to investigate the effect of endogenous spatial attention and exogenous spatial attention on multisensory integration.The present study consisted of 2 experiments. In these experiments, we mainly manipulated the endogenous cue validities (including cued, uncued), exogenous cue validities (including cued, uncued) and target modalities (including visual, auditory, and audiovisual modalities). Thirty-six students in Liaoning Normal University were recruited in Exp. 1. The visual (V) target was a white pentagonal asterisk block (2°×2°). The auditory (A) target was a 1 600 Hz sinusoidal tone presented by speakers. The audiovisual (AV) target was composed by the simultaneous presentation of both the visual and the auditory stimuli. At the beginning of each trial, the fixation stimulus was presented for 600~800 ms in the center of the monitor. Following the fixation stimulus, the endogenous cue was presented for 200 ms, which could predict (80%) the location of the target. Then a visual white square served as a exogenous cue was presented for 200 ms at the left or right location randomly. Before the target that appeared for 100 ms, the inter stimulus interval (ISI) lasted for 150 ms. The target (A, V, or AV) randomly appeared for 100 ms in the left or right locations. At last, the fixation stimuli appeared for 1000 ms to wait for the correspondence responses to targets. During the experiment, the participants were asked to locate targets by pressing buttons (F/J) as quickly and accurately as possible. Thirty-six college students were recruited in Exp. 2. In Exp. 2, visual stimuli included checkerboard squares (3.2°×3.2°) with gray (RGB: 147, 149, 152) in the middle and black (RGB: 0, 0, 0) in the middle; auditory stimuli included high-frequency sinusoidal tone (1400) and low-frequency sinusoidal tone (714). The visual target was one of the above two visual stimuli, and the auditory target was one of the above two auditory stimuli. The pairings of two single channel stimuli constituted audiovisual target. The Exp. 2 consisted of four audiovisual targets. Each set of audiovisual targets were balanced among the subjects.The results showed that the responses to AV targets were faster than V or A targets, indicating the appearance of the bimodal advancement effect in both experiments. In addition, we found exogenous spatial attention’s race model (probability difference) showed significant smaller at cued compared to uncued condition in both experiments, while the endogenous spatial attention reduced the extent to which the exogenous spatial attention weakened the effect of multisensory integration in Exp.2, but not in Exp. 1. From the results of the relative amount of multisensory response enhancement (rMRE), In Exp. 1, the effects of endogenous spatial attention and exogenous spatial attention on multisensory integration were marginal significant. In Exp. 2, the two kinds of spatial attention had significant interaction with multisensory integration.In summary, exogenous spatial attention decreased multisensory integration in both experiments. Endogenous spatial attention is involved in multisensory integration and has an impact on exogenous spatial attention in Exp. 2. The effects of endogenous spatial attention and exogenous spatial attention on multisensory integration in an interactive manner.

  • Effects of endogenous spatial cue validity on audiovisual integration in older adults

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2022-11-26


    Audiovisual integration is the integration of visual and auditory information into a unified, coherent and stable perceptual process. Although endogenous spatial attention can promote audiovisual integration in youth, studies have found differences in endogenous spatial attention between older adults and youth. It is unclear how endogenous spatial attention affects audiovisual integration in older adults and how audiovisual integration differs between older adults and young adults under endogenous spatial attention conditions. In this study, using the endogenous cue#2;target paradigm, three experiments investigated how endogenous spatial attention affects the audiovisual integration of elderly individuals under 50% (Experiment 1), 70% (Experiment 2), and 90% (Experiment 3) conditions. A mixed 2 (participant type: elderly vs. young) × 2 (cue type: valid cue vs. invalid cue) × 3 (target stimulus type: A vs. V vs. AV) experimental design was used. The visual stimulus was a 2° × 2° red (RGB: 234, 86, 97) and yellow (RGB: 247, 200, 125) intersecting meta–pattern, the auditory stimulus was a 1600 Hz, 60 dB sinusoidal tone presented by ear headphones, and the audiovisual stimulus was visual and auditory stimuli presented simultaneously on the same side. The gaze screen was presented for 500 ms, followed by a cue screen for 200 ms. The cue was an arrow pointing left or right. After a time interval of 600 ms, the target stimulus (A vs. V vs. AV) was presented in a box on the left or right side for 100 ms. Before the experiment, participants were informed that the cue validity was 50% for Experiment 1, 70% for Experiment 2, and 90% for Experiment 3 and were asked to judge the orientation of the target stimulus and to press the (N/M) key quickly and accurately. From the reaction time results, it is clear that the reaction time of elderly people is significantly slower than that of younger people. From the relative amount of multisensory response enhancement (rMRE) and race model results, we can see that (1) audiovisual integration was weaker in older adults than in younger adults regardless of cue validity; (2) at 50% cue validity (Experiment 1), audiovisual integration in the effective cue condition was not significantly different from that in the invalid cue condition for both older and younger adults; (3) at 70% cue validity (Experiment 2), audiovisual integration in the effective cue condition was not significantly different from that in the invalid cue condition for older adults, and audiovisual integration in the effective cue condition was significantly higher than that in the invalid cue condition for younger adults; and (4) at 90% cue validity (Experiment 3), audiovisual integration in the effective cue condition was significantly higher than that in the ineffective cue condition for both older and younger adults. Endogenous spatial attention had different moderating effects on audiovisual integration in older adults under different cue validity conditions and could promote audiovisual integration in older adults under high cue validity conditions. The findings further support the spatial uncertainty hypothesis and deepen the understanding of the interaction between endogenous attention and audiovisual integration.

  • The impact of temporal and spatial consistency of audiovisual stimuli on Pip-and-Pop effect

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2022-06-14


    Previous studies usually used the dynamic visual search paradigm to explore the Pip-and-Pop effect, which suggests that the Pip-and-Pop effect is influenced by multiple factors. But the impact of temporal and spatial consistency of audiovisual stimuli on the Pip-and-Pop effect is still controversial. In present study, we applied the eye movement technology to the dynamic visual search paradigm to systematically investigate the impact of temporal and spatial consistency of audiovisual stimuli on the Pip-and-Pop effect. Based on the results of previous studies, we expected that the spatial and temporal consistency of audiovisual modulated the Pip-and-Pop effect. The more consistent the spatial location of audiovisual stimuli are, the greater the Pip-and-Pop effect will be. The more consistent the temporal of audiovisual stimuli are, the greater the Pip-and-Pop effect will be.

    Experiment 1 was a 3 (set sizes: 36, 48, 60) × 4 (spatial consistency conditions: ipsilateral, contralateral, bilateral, no sound) within-subjects design, recruited 24 participants(5 males; age range: 19–28 years; mean age: 22.5±2.3 years). The visual search displays consisted of 24, 36, or 48 red (13.9 cd/m2) or green (46.4 cd/m2) line segments (0.57°×0.17°) on a black (0.4cd/m2) background. Auditory stimulus was 1000Hz pure tone (65 dB, 60ms, including 5ms fade-in and 5ms fade-out time), presented through speakers on the left and right sides behind the screen.  Each trial started with a drift calibration point. The drift calibration point would not disappear until the participant gazed upon this point. This was followed by a central fixation point of 1000ms, and finally a search screen. The participants were required to find the target line segment and judge whether the target line segment was vertical or horizontal by pressing the key (Z key or M key) as quickly and accurately as possible. Experiment 2 was a 2 (set sizes: 36, 60) × 6 (temporal consistency conditions: -200ms, -100ms, 0ms, 100ms, 200ms, no sound) within-subjects design, recruited 27 participants(5 males; age range: 18–25 years; mean age: 20.7±2.4 years). These temporal consistency conditions represent the tone sounded before ( -200, -100ms), simultaneous with (0ms), or after (100, 200ms) the visual target event. The tone could also be absent (no sound). The experimental materials and procedures of Experiment 2 were identical to those in Experiment1.

    Regarding the results in Experiment 1, compared with the baseline condition (no sound), the search response time was the shortest under the condition of ipsilateral, the mean fixation number was the least, and the mean saccade amplitude was the smallest, indicating that the search efficiency was the highest in the ipsilateral condition, the Pip-and-Pop effect was the largest in the ipsilateral condition. Bilateral condition was the second. The contralateral condition showed no significant difference in the above indicators compared with the no sound condition, indicating that no Pip-and-Pop effect was found in the contralateral condition. The results showed that the more consistent the spatial location of audiovisual stimuli were, the greater the Pip-and-Pop effect was. In Experiment 2, compared with the no sound condition, we found that the response time of search was significantly shorter, the mean fixation number in search decreased, the mean saccade amplitude increased, and the mean fixation duration became longer under the conditions of 0ms, -100ms and 100ms. Compared with the no sound condition, conditions -200ms and 200ms showed no significant difference in the above indicators. This indicated that the conditions of 0ms, -100ms and 100ms produced Pip-and-Pop effect, and the Pip-and-Pop effect was the largest under the condition of 0ms, while Pip-and-Pop effect did not find under the condition of -200ms and 200ms. The results showed that the more consistent the temporal of audiovisual stimuli were, the greater the Pip-and-Pop effect was.

    In summary, the results showed that the more consistent the audiovisual stimuli were in space and time, the larger the Pip-and-Pop effect was. Therefore, the findings in the present study suggest that the temporal and spatial consistency of audiovisual stimuli modulates the Pip-and-Pop effect. The results provide evidence that the reason for Pip-and-Pop effect is multisensory integration.

  • 视听整合对注意瞬脱的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2020-06-05

    Abstract: "

  • 声音诱发闪光错觉效应的影响因素与神经机制

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2020-05-25

    Abstract: "

  • 基于通道的内源性注意对声音诱发闪光错觉的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2018-09-07 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: 声音诱发闪光错觉是指当视觉闪光伴随不相等数量的听觉声音在 100 ms 内相继或 同时呈现时, 个体会错觉性地知觉到视觉闪光的个数与听觉声音的数量相等。研究采用经典 的声音诱发闪光错觉的范式, 将注意以内源性的方式指向视觉通道或者听觉通道, 考察了基 于通道的内源性注意对声音诱发闪光错觉的影响。结果发现, 当注意内源性地指向视觉通道 时, 相对于基线条件, 裂变错觉的量显著减小; 当注意内源性地指向听觉通道时, 相对于基 线条件, 裂变错觉的量存在增大的趋势。说明了基于通道的内源性注意可以影响声音诱发闪 光错觉中的裂变错觉, 但不影响融合错觉。

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