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  • Chinese Color Nest Project (CCNP)i: Growing Up in China

    Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2017-10-13

    Abstract: Abstract: To face the challenges of keeping healthy in increasing population sizes of both ageing and developing people in China, a fundamental request from the public health is the development of lifespan normative trajectories of brain and behavior. This paper introduces the Chinese Color Nest Project (CCNP 2013–2022), a large-scale tenyear program of modeling brain and behavioral trajectories for human lifespan (6–85 years old). We plan to gradually collect the behavioral and brain imaging data at ages across the lifespan on nationwide and depict the normal trajectory of Chinese brain development across the lifespan, based on the accelerated longitudinal design in the coming next 10 years starting at 2013. Various psychiatric disorders have been demonstrated highly relevant to abnormal events during the neurodevelopment regarding their onset ages of first episodes. Therefore, delineation of normative growth curves of brain and cognition in typically developing children is extremely useful for monitoring, early detecting and intervention of various neurodevelopmental disorders. In this paper, we detailed the developing part of CCNP, devCCNP. It tracked 192 healthy children and adolescents (6–18 years old) in Beibei district of Chongqing for the first 5 years of the full CCNP cohort (2013–2017). To demonstrate the feasibility of implementing the longterm follow-up of CCNP, we here comprehensively document devCCNP in terms of its experimental design, sample strategies, data acquisition and storage as well as some preliminary results and data sharing roadmap for future. Specifically, we first describe the accelerated longitudinal sampling design as well as its exact ratio of sample dropping off during the data collection. Second, we present several initial findings such as canonical growth curves of cortical surface areas of a set of well-established large-scale functional networks of the human brain. Finally, together with records generated by many psychological and behavioral tests, we will provide an individual growing-up report for each family participating the program, initiating the potential guidance on the individual academic and social development. The resources introduced in the current work can provide first-hand data for a series of coming Chinese brain development studies, such as Chinese Standard MRI Brain Templates, Normative Growth Curves of Chinese Brain and Cognition as well as Mapping of Language Areas in Chinese Developing Brain. These would not only offer normative references of the atypical brain and cognition development for Chinese population but also serve as a strong force on accelerating the pace of integrating Chinese brain development into the national brain program or Chinese Brain Project.

  • Concordance Among Indices of Intrinsic Brain Function:Inter-Individual Variation and Temporal Dynamics Perspectives

    Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2017-11-06

    Abstract: Various resting-state fMRI (R-fMRI) measures have been developed to characterize intrinsic brain activity. While each of these measures has gained a growing presence in the literature, questions remain regarding the common and unique aspects these indices capture. The present work provided a comprehensive examination of inter-individual variation and intra-individual temporal variation for commonly used measures, including fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuations, regional homogeneity, voxel-mirrored homotopic connectivity, network centrality and global signal correlation. Regardless of whether examining intra-individual or inter-individual variation, we found that these definitionally distinct R-fMRI indices tend to exhibit a relatively high degree of covariation. When taken as a measure of intrinsic brain function, inter-individual differences in concordance for R-fMRI indices appeared to be stable, and negatively related to age (i.e., functional concordance among indices decreases with age). To understand the functional significance of concordance, we noted that higher concordance was generally associated with higher strengths of R-fMRI indices, regardless of whether looking through the lens of inter-individual (i.e., high vs. low concordance participants) or intra-individual (i.e., high vs. low concordance states identified via temporal dynamic analyses) differences. Finally, temporal dynamics analyses also revealed that high concordance states are characterized by increased within- and between-network functional connectivity, suggesting more general variations in network integration and segregation. The current study draws attention to questions regarding how to select an R-fMRI index for usage in a given study, as well as how to compare findings across studies that examine inter-individual or group differences using different indices. Additionally, our work suggests global neural signals exist in the brain, and their spontaneous variations over time result in fluctuations in the connectedness of brain regions.

  • Reliability of sleep deprivation-associated spontaneous brain activity and behavior

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2017-11-06

    Abstract: Recent studies have indicated that sleep deprivation (SD) alters intrinsic low-frequency connectivity in the resting brain, mainly focusing on the default mode network (DMN) and its anticorrelated network (ACN). These networks hold key functions in segregating internally and externally directed awareness. However, far less attention has been paid to investigation of the altered amplitude of these low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF) at the whole-brain level and more importantly by what extent the sleep-deprived resting brain pattern can be reproducible and predict individual behavioral performance. The aim of this study was to characterize more clearly the influence of sleep on the whole brain level of ALFF changes and its relation with the performance of a lexical decision task in the sleep deprivation. Sixteen healthy participants underwent fMRI three times: once after a normal night of sleep in the rested wakefulness (RW) state and two following approximately 24 h of total SD separated by an interval of two weeks (SD1 and SD2). Our behavioral results showed that sleep stabilizes performance whereas two sleep deprivation even at an interval of two weeks consistently deteriorates it. Sleep deprivation attenuated the ALFF mainly in the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and right inferior parietal lobule (IPL). By contrast, the enhanced ALFF emerged in the left sensorimotor cortex (SMA), visual cortex and left fusiform gyrus. Conjunction analysis of SD1 and SD2 versus the control maps and voxel-wise ICC analysis revealed that these SD induced ALFF changes showed a significantly high reliability (ICC>0.5). Particularly, the attenuation of the right IPL presents a significant negative relation with the behavior performance and can be reproducible for two SD at an interval of two weeks. Our results suggest that ALFF is a stable measure in study of SD, and the right IPL may represent a stable biomarker that responds to sleep loss.

  • PRN: a preprint service for catalyzing R-fMRI and neuroscience related studies

    Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2017-11-06

    Abstract: Sharing drafts of scientific manuscripts on preprint hosting services for early exposure and pre-publication feedback is a well-accepted practice in fields such as physics, astronomy, or mathematics. The field of neuroscience, however, has yet to adopt the preprint model. A reason for this reluctance might partly be the lack of central preprint services for the field of neuroscience. To address this issue, we announce the launch of Preprints of the R-fMRI Network (PRN), a community funded preprint hosting service. PRN provides free-submission and free hosting of manuscripts for resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (R-fMRI) and neuroscience related studies. Submissions will be peer viewed and receive feedback from readers and a panel of invited consultants of the R-fMRI Network. All manuscripts and feedback will be freely available online with citable permanent URL for open-access. The goal of PRN is to supplement the “peer reviewed” journal publication system – by more rapidly communicating the latest research achievements throughout the world. We hope PRN will help the field to embrace the preprint model and thus further accelerate R-fMRI and neuroscience related studies, eventually enhancing human mental health.

  • Linear trend of resting-state fMRI time series

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2017-11-06

    Abstract: Although爈inear trend removing has often been implemented as a routine preprocessing step in resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (RS-fMRI) data analysis, the爏patial distribution爋f the magnitude of linear trend is still unclear. Further, it is interesting whether there will be any difference of the linear trend magnitude between different resting-states. For the first aim, we analyzed 5 RS-fMRI datasets from 5 different scanners (namely Beijing-Simens-3T, Cambridge-Siemens-3T, CCBD-GE750-3T, Milwaukee-GE-3T, and Oulu-GE-1.5T). One-sample t-tests on the regression coefficient (i.e., the magnitude of linear trend) were performed for each datasets. For the second aim, we used 2 datasets in each of which different states were compared, one containing eyes-open resting-state (EO-RS) vs. eyes-closed resting-state (EC-RS) and the other containing two steady-state tasks, i.e.,爎eal-time finger force feedback�RT-FFF) and sham finger force feedback (S-FFF) tasks. Paired t-tests were performed between EO-RS and EC-RS, and between RT-FFF and S-FFF. One-sample t-tests showed that the spatial pattern of linear trend of RS-fMRI time series were quite different between different manufactures. The 3T SIEMENS scanners showed positive linear trend in almost all part of the brain, while GE scanners showed primarily negative linear trend in most part of the brain. Paired t-tests showed some differences between paired conditions; differences between EO-RS and EC-RS were mainly in cuneus and eyeballs, and differences between RT-FFF and S-FFF were found in the thalamus, anterior cingulate gyrus, and right sensorimotor cortex. The current study indicated that, while the manufacturer-dependent linear trend of RS-fMRI time series were mostly scanner-related noise, the linear trend may also be physiological noise (eyeballs) or even physiologically meaningful, especially during steady-state tasks.

  • DPABI: Data Processing & Analysis for (Resting-State) Brain Imaging

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2017-11-06

    Abstract: Brain imaging efforts are being increasingly devoted to decode the functioning of the human brain. Among neuroimaging techniques, resting-state fMRI (R-fMRI) is currently expanding exponentially. Beyond the general neuroimaging analysis packages (e.g., SPM, AFNI and FSL), REST and DPARSF were developed to meet the increasing need of user-friendly toolboxes for R-fMRI data processing. To address recently identified methodological challenges of R-fMRI, we introduce the newly developed toolbox, DPABI, which was evolved from REST and DPARSF. DPABI incorporates recent research advances on head motion control and measurement standardization, thus allowing users to evaluate results using stringent control strategies. DPABI also emphasizes test-retest reliability and quality control of data processing. Furthermore, DPABI provides a user-friendly pipeline analysis toolkit for rat/monkey R-fMRI data analysis to reflect the rapid advances in animal imaging. In addition, DPABI includes preprocessing modules for task-based fMRI, voxel-based morphometry analysis, statistical analysis and results viewing. DPABI is designed to make data analysis require fewer manual operations, be less time-consuming, have a lower skill requirement, a smaller risk of inadvertent mistakes, and be more comparable across studies. We anticipate this open-source toolbox will assist novices and expert users alike and continue to support advancing R-fMRI methodology and its application to clinical translational studies.

  • Large-scale brain network interactions supporting externally and internally directed cognition

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2017-12-29

    Abstract: Numerous evidence has indicated that the high-level cognitive functions are not carried out by isolated operation of single brain area, but through the dynamic interactions between multiple large-scale brain networks. Among them, frontoparietal control network plays a pivotal gate-keeping role in goal-directed cognition, modulating the dynamic balance between the dorsal attention network and default network. Dorsal attention network is mainly responsible for the external top-down attention-oriented and visual space perception. The default network is considered to support internally oriented and self-referential mental processes. By selectively cooperating with the default network or dorsal attention network according to the attentional demands of the task, the frontoparietal control network may serve as a cortical mediator linking the two networks to support adaptive cognitive processes. Regarding these three large-scale brain networks, there are still some debates in the nodes (regions), the functional characterization and interactive relationship. Future research needs to further explore the functional roles of the subsystems within each network, and use the effective connectivity method to examine the direction and dynamics of the information transmission within and between networks.

  • Self-prioritization is modulated by arousal

    Subjects: Psychology >> Experimental Psychology submitted time 2018-01-12

    Abstract: Stimuli related to the self are processed more efficiently in a variety of cognitive tasks. Recent studies have shown that this self-referential bias is modulated by one’s emotional states; however, it remains unclear whether the impact of emotion is primarily attributable to valence or arousal. Experiment 1 measured the self-prioritization effect with a label-shape matching task under four mood states. The results revealed a stronger self-prioritization effect in moods of higher arousal level, and a significant correlation between the arousal ratings and the self-prioritization effect. Experiment 2 further showed that alerting cues, which have been known to elevate the arousal level, boosted the self-prioritization effect measured in a similar label-shape matching task. These results provide clear evidence that arousal modulates self-referential processing

  • Multinomial Processing Tree Models and Their Application in Social Psychology

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2018-01-17

    Abstract: Understanding the psychological processes and mechanisms behind social behaviors is one of the most important goals of social psychology. Psychologists have proposed many theoretical models to explain people’s social behaviors. It is still, however, difficult to quantify the contribution of hypothesized psychological processes to a specific behaviour. Recently, social psychologist introduced multinomial processing tree (MPT) models to dissociate different processes and quantify the contributions of each hypothesized process to behaviors. MPT, which combined knowledge from cognitive psychology, statistics, and other related disciplines, is a simple and effective way to model behavioural data. In these models, different hypothesized psychological processes take the external stimuli as input and determine the behavioural outcomes in a tree-like manner. More specifically, each stimulus was first processed by a hypothetical psychological process (i.e., a branch with certain probability), which results in a binary outcome (i.e., a point): either a behavioural response (i.e., a resulting behavior), or an intermediate outcome that will be determined further by a downstream psychological process (i.e., another branch, with a different probability) until behavioural outputs were produced. In this way, each behavioural output can be viewed as the combination of the processes before it, while the sum of all the behavioural output to a specific stimulus sum up to one. By fitting the behavioral data to multiple nominal formulas, the probability of each psychological process can be estimated. Given that the psychological processes in MPT models need to be specified, researchers should construct the model structure before using the model. After the model structure is specified, researchers also need to fit the model with behavioral data and test the goodness-of-fit. Researchers need further validate the model and its parameters based on theory, only after validation, the model can be regarded as an acceptable model for such question. Then, the validated models can be used to generate and test new hypotheses. Although the logic behind the MPT model is easy to understand, the estimation of parameter-estimation and goodness-of-fit test often require massive computation that could hardly be finished by hand. Therefore, several computer programs (e.g. multitree, treeBugs) were developed, to simplify the calculating procedure. These user-friendly programs make the MPT models more accessible to social psychologists. By now, MPT models have been applied in many areas of social psychology, such as attitude, stereotype acquisition etc. Recently, MPT models were applied to moral decision-making. For instance, Gawronski et al. (2017) built the CNI (consequence, norm, inaction preference) model based on MPT model. The CNI model can dissociate the contributions of consequences, norm, and inaction preference, therefore, extended previous studies on moral decision making by considering the possibility that moral decision-making can be motivated by both utilitarian and deontological motivations simultaneously, or neither of both. Using CNI model, Gawronski et al. (2017) tested the effect of gender, cognitive load, framework effect and psychopathy on moral decision-making. It becomes increasingly clear that MPT models can serve as a tool for dissociating and quantifying the psychological processes underlying human behaviors. However, it is noteworthy that MPT models require clear assumptions about psychological processes and corresponding outcomes, this pre-request should be carefully checked before use. In addition, although MPT models fit well with many behavioral results, the neural correlates of the assumed psychological processes in MPT models are largely unknown, further studies are needed to explore and validate the neural basis of these models. Finally, MPT models might increase the research flexibilities, which might cause false positive results. Thus, researchers should keep transparent of their analysis and decision process when applying MPT to their own research questions.

  • 金庸小说人物的大五人格—基于文心系统的15部金庸小说分析

    Subjects: Psychology >> Personality Psychology submitted time 2018-02-12

    Abstract:[目的]从心理学的角度全面分析金庸小说人物人格与创作阶段、性别之间的关系。[方法]本文通过创作阶段对金庸15部小说进行划分,采用基于数据挖掘的文学智能分析方法,通过中文心理分析系统对人物对话进行处理,得到人物的大五人格预测分数。[结果] 女性人物的神经质倾向高于男性人物;创作阶段影响小说人物的尽责性、外向性倾向。[局限]仅仅对小说中的人物进行了分析,没有和金庸本人生平经历和创作时代特点相结合。[结论]本文从心理学人格理论出发探讨金庸小说的人物描写特点,丰富了“金学”的研究成果,为研究金庸的人物刻画风格与偏好提供了新的视角。

  • 熬夜人群更容易焦虑和抑郁:一项基于微博数据的研究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer Application Technology submitted time 2018-03-05

    Abstract:[目的] 利用微博大数据探索熬夜和焦虑、抑郁情绪的关系。 [方法] 本研究根据微博用户在夜间的活动状态, 把100万活跃用户分为熬夜组和非熬夜组,比较两组用户在所发微博中出现的体现焦虑和抑郁情绪的相关词词频。 [结果] 独立样本t检验结果显示,熬夜组的焦虑相关词词频显著高于非熬夜组,t=36.86,p<0.001;熬夜组的抑郁相关词词频显著高于非熬夜组,t=49.71,p<0.001。 [局限] 词频分析与用心理测量量表测量抑郁和焦虑的情感无法完全等同,基于大数据的词频分析虽然提供了一种高效的分析方法,但不能完全替代严格的心理测量。 [结论] 入睡时间过晚会影响睡眠质量;熬夜人群更容易受到焦虑和抑郁情绪的困扰。

  • Attention-operated working memory representations determine visual selective attention

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2018-03-09

    Abstract: It has been demonstrated that visual attention is guided by information actively maintained in working memory (WM). However, it remains unknown whether other operations (e.g. inhibition) on WM contents influence selective attention. This issue was investigated in a visual search task where WM contents with either operation (maintenance or inhibition) appeared as distractors in the search display. Behavioral results showed that search performance was slowed down for presenting the maintained contents, but speeded up for the inhibited contents. These results suggested an operation-directed selection of WM contents that visual attention was distinctively influenced by contents with different operation. These observations were further confirmed by the indexes of event-related potentials (ERPs). The inhibited WM contents were suppressed at sensory gating stage (i.e., suppressed P1 amplitude), while the maintained WM contents guided visual attention (i.e., enhanced N2pc amplitude). It seems that results from ERPs and behavior are integrated. The maintained contents guided visual attention that hindered performance of searching a target, while the inhibited contents screened attention that facilitated target searching in the other space. Besides, P3 component indexing updating of WM, which revealed comparable latency both for the maintained and the inhibited WM contents, but with longer latency than the neutral contents. These results suggested that the WM contents with distinct operations were expelled from the focus of executive attention after the onset of the search task, which might be necessary for the WM contents influencing selective attention. The current study reveals that operations of WM contents distinctively affect early selective attention to the matching contents, which sheds some light on the interaction between WM and visual attention.

  • Identifying Culture and Cooperative Behavior Pattern in Belt-Road Area: A Psychological Analysis of Big Data on Twitter

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology Subjects: Computer Science >> Computer Application Technology submitted time 2018-03-15

    Abstract: 理清“一带一路”沿线国家或地区的民心特点,并找到有效的合作交往模式,是关系到国家战略实施的重大问题。但是,由于地域辽阔、民族众多,且地缘政治、经济、文化因素(如原苏联影响、欧美国家殖民、宗教传统等)异常复杂,传统的分析方法往往难以奏效。该研究结合文化心理学和大数据分析技术,利用社交媒体Twitter数据来分析“一带一路”沿线国家或地区的自我表征特点(独立性或个人主义),并建立自我表征与社会信任(普遍信任、特殊信任)的预测模型,以探究与“一带一路”沿线国家或地区合作交往的行为模式,即:自我表征是独立,还是互依;人际关系偏好是陌生人之间的普遍信任,还是熟人间的特殊信任。结果表明,“一带一路”沿线国家或地区在自我独立性这一个人主义文化指标上存在较大的变异,且主要受欧美国家殖民历史和当地宗教传统的影响;此外,针对陌生人、外国人的普遍信任与针对家人、熟人的特殊信任,可以通过个人主义指标来预测。总之,“一带一路”沿线的文化是多样的,可以通过社交媒体产生的海量语料库快速计算其个人主义指标,并以此来建立自我表征与社会信任的预测模型。该研究为分析“一带一路”战略区域的“民心”特点、探索当地合作交往的行为模式提供了新的技术路径。

  • 预期错误在复合恐惧记忆提取消退中的作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2018-03-22 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Memories with a strong fear emotional connotation play a pathogenic role in a variety of emotional disorders, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorder and phobia. So how to fundamentally eliminate the acquired fear memory and prevent relapse has been the difficulties of clinical treatment. The retrieval extinction paradigm, which is based on the memory reconsolidation theory, was demonstrated an effective and promising way in eliminating undesired memories. The key of this paradigm is how to retrieve fear memory to undergo reconsolidation, which makes the memory fragile and labile. Research has shown that when a mismatch between what is expected based on previous experiences and the actual state of events at retrieval, the prediction error will occur so that the memory will undergo reconsolidation. In the present study, we change CS-US (conditioned stimulus-unconditioned stimulus) matching rules during the retrieval to manipulate the conditions of PE to explore whether the amount of PE is a crucial factor to open reconsolidation window. In the current study, two tones and four colored figures were used, one of the tones and two of the figures (CS+) were paired with a mild shock to the wrist (US) on 50% of the trails, while the other figures and tones were never paired with shock (CS−). the skin conductance response (SCR) was the measure of fear. Four groups of participants were fear conditioned on day1 using a 50% reinforcement schedule, in such a way that they could expect the CS to be followed by shock every other trial. During memory reactivation on day2, participants received one unreinforced CS+ (No PE group), two unreinforced CS+ (Negative PE group), two reinforced CS+ (Positive PE group) and four unreinforced CS+ (Multiple PE group) respectively, following extinction training. On day3, participants took part in tests of spontaneous recovery and reinstatement of fear through re-extinction and regaining. The results showed that the SCR was not significantly different among the four groups in the fear conditioning of the first day and extinction of the second day. However, on the third day, No PE group and Multiple PE group showed increased SCR in spontaneous fear recovery and reinstatement test, whereas Negative PE group and Positive PE group did not show any significant increased SCR in spontaneous fear recovery or reinstatement. Our study provided further evidence that the behavioral interference during reconsolidation (retrieval-extinction) can effectively eliminate fear and block fear relapse under certain circumstances. According to the results, we demonstrate that the prediction error is a necessary condition of initiating reconsolidation and a lack of prediction error during retrieval will leave the memory trace in an inactive state. Additionally, the amount of PE is a crucial factor and too much prediction error will cause failure. It is inferred that a limited degree of mismatch between the memory and events at the time of retrieval will induce memory destabilization

  • 健康目标启动降低高热量食物消费

    Subjects: Psychology >> Social Psychology submitted time 2018-03-22 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Obesity is an important risk factor for many diseases. Consuming too much high-calorie food is one of the important factors that lead to obesity. Thus, it is important to investigate how to reduce high-calorie food consumption. The present study investigated the impact of health goal priming on high/low-calorie food consumption and the mediating role of affective forecast. To test the hypotheses, three experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, a total of 40 participants were randomly divided into two conditions. One half looked at pictures of the discobolus to prime their health goal, while the other half looked at geometry pictures as a control group. Then, participants made a choice between a beef sandwich and a vegetable sandwich. The participants in the goal priming condition chose more vegetable sandwiches and fewer beef sandwiches than those of the control condition. A chi-square test showed that the difference was significant, χ2(1) = 5.01, p = 0.025. Therefore, goal priming helps people to reduce high-calorie food choices and increase low-calorie food choices. In Experiment 2, with a 2 (goal priming vs. control group) × 2 (high calorie vs. low calorie) between-subject design, we investigated the mediating role of affective forecast in a field experiment. The health goal was primed in the same way as in Experiment 1. In the low-calorie framing condition, the instructions mentioned that this new type of M&M contains low-calorie, highly rated, imported ingredients. In the high-calorie framing condition, participants were told that this new type of M&M contains high-calorie, highly rated, imported ingredients. An analysis of variance revealed a significant interaction between priming condition and calorie framing, F(1,76) = 8.37, p = 0.005. Mediation analysis showed that the affective forecast of chocolate mediated the impact of health goal priming on high/low-calorie chocolate consumption. In Experiment 3, a total of 88 adults of a travel group were randomly divided into two buses. Participants in one bus were provided a menu with a picture of discobolus to prime their health goal, while those of the other bus were provided a menu with geometry pictures as a control group. Participants were asked to choose between cheese sandwich crackers and sugar-free chive crackers as snacks. Before ordering the snack, they first predicted how happy they would be after eating the two kinds of crackers. The results showed that participants in the goal priming condition chose more chive crackers than those in the control condition. A chi-square test showed that the difference was significant, χ2(1) = 7.11, p = 0.008. Mediation analysis showed that the affective forecast of crackers mediated the impact of health goal priming on the choice of high/low-calorie crackers. The present study investigated the impact of goal priming on high/low-calorie food consumption and the mediated role of affective forecast. The findings could help people to reduce high-calorie food consumption and increase low-calorie food consumption.

  • 尾状核−眶部内侧前额叶的功能连接与反应性攻击的关系:基于静息态功能磁共振研究

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2018-03-22 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Reactive aggression has been widely concerned by researchers because of its serious impact on society, such as violent crimes. Existing neuroimaging studies using patients with high levels of aggression indicated a network of brain regions subserve reactive aggression, including amygdala, caudate nucleus, and orbitofrontal cortex. Furthermore, researchers believed that reduced prefrontal activity along with heightened subcortical activity in the context of provocative stimuli poses an increased risk for reactive aggression. However, evidence for this theory in healthy population is lacking, especially this independently of the experiment task.

  • 母亲鼓励自主与学步儿的探索行为:依恋的调节作用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Developmental Psychology submitted time 2018-03-22 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Exploratory behavior, derived from one’s motor development, is an important way for infants to obtain information from external environment. Exploration is generally associated with adaptive developmental outcomes, especially cognitive abilities. Although there have been a great number of studies on exploration, most of which focused on the informational value afforded by novel objects, individual differences and different stages of exploration. The environmental factors, more specifically, the maternal behaviors have been obtained little attention. However, two distinctive theories posit mother’s behavior plays a significant role in infant’s exploration, attachment theory and self-determination theory. According to attachment theory, the attachment system and the exploratory system are two distinct yet inseparably linked behavioral systems, and the attachment system contributes to the quality of infant exploration by providing the infant a secure base from which to explore. Self-determination theory argues that infant’s exploration is driven by his/her intrinsic motivation. Individuals will be most intrinsically motivated when the environment supports their need for autonomy, rather than controlling their behavior. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine influence of maternal encouragement of autonomy on 14-month toddler’s exploration and the moderating role of attachment in the relationship between maternal encouragement of autonomy and toddler’s exploratory behavior.

  • 触摸, 还是不触摸?先前触摸促进新产品接受

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2018-03-22 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: Previous touch literature cannot answer whether prior touching of a new product (i.e. a new watch) can facilitate consumers’ evaluation of another extremely incongruent product (i.e. a new camera). The present research posits that asking consumers to previously touch (versus not touch) an extremely new product (i.e. a new computer mouse) can offer them an opportunity to transfer their learning of the touched new product to understanding another target product’s extremely incongruity, which consequently leads to incongruity resolution and increased evaluation of the target product (H1-H2). This research further posits that the prior-touch strategy will be ineffective when the prior-touched product is conceptually different from the target product (i.e., it is common) (H3), as conceptual disparity inhibits the occurrence of near transfer of learning. We conduct four lab experiments to test these hypotheses.

  • 美感对西方绘画无意识加工的影响

    Subjects: Psychology >> Cognitive Psychology submitted time 2018-03-22 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: People prefer beautiful visual artworks. Aesthetic experiences to beautiful and ugly images are different. Studies on neuroaesthetics showed different neural responses to beautiful stimuli compared to ugly stimuli. The first stage of aesthetic experience of a visual artwork is visual perception of the stimulus. Most research about aesthetic processing focused on stimuli presented consciously. Little is known about whether aesthetic processing can occur unconsciously. Previous research suggested that both beautiful paintings and attractive faces can elicit activation of the reward circuitry in our brain. Attractive faces break through continuous flash suppression more quickly than unattractive faces. Thus, it is possible that unconscious processing of beautiful paintings is different from that of less beautiful paintings. In two experiments, the present study adopted continuous flash suppression paradigm to investigate whether aesthetic ratings of western paintings influenced the time for stimuli to break suppression. We also compared the suppression effect of achromatic (Experiment 1) and chromatic (Experiment 2) noise pictures.

  • 利用游戏log-file预测学生推理能力和数学成绩——机器学习的应用

    Subjects: Psychology >> Applied Psychology submitted time 2018-03-22 Cooperative journals: 《心理学报》

    Abstract: With the development of the progress of information technology, the deficiency of traditional psychological testing is becoming more obvious, such as test anxiety and test exposure. Some researchers have begun to test individuals using game-based assessment, which has many advantages, such as increasing the motivation and input level of the participants, and providing the possibility for the implementation of log-file technology. However, the current data analysis and scoring logic ignore substantial information of process, and thus cannot accurately assess individual characteristics and abilities. The advantages of machine learning in data analysis provide a new direction. The machine learning algorithm can analyze the log-file data by building a complex model.

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